idioms 12.2021

 0    11 schede    nuggetguy
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wziąć byka za rogi
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to take the bull by the horns
byc podejrzliwym o cos
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to smell a rat
zrobić z igly widly
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to make a mountain out of a molehill
zdradzic sekret, wyjawic tajemnice
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to let the cat out of the bag
zmienic sie na gorsze
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to go to the dogs
byc z kims w zlych stosunkach
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to be in the doghouse
czuc sie zle nie swojo
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to feel like a fish out of water
spowodowac problem klotnie
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to set the cat among the pigeons
upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu
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to kill two birds with one stone
syzyfowe prace
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to flog a dead horse
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snower under

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