Idiom Family

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the apple never falls far from the tree
Adam’s dad has always been a determined, hard-working man. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
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Jabłko nigdy nie spada daleko od drzewa
a chip off the old block
Jim worked alongside his father from a very young age, learning and perfecting his craft just as his father did. He’s a chip off the old block.
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Jak dwie krople wody
run in the family
His parents were both medics. The grandparents, even if you go back to the great-grandparents, were also medics and lawyers. It runs in the family.
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Być cechą dziedziczną
to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth
Ah, look at Michael there. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His parents had a great business, they were able to send them to private school. silver spoon in his mouth.
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być w czepku urodzonym
Like Father Like Son
Unfortunately, he got into trouble with the police. Well, what can you expect, like father, like son?
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Jaki ojciec taki syn
a helicopter parents
His mum was a real helicopter parent and sent instructions to the kitchen on how to cook her son’s rice for every meal.
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rodzice którzy wszystko kontrolują
be in the/someone's blood
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być we/czyjejś krwi

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