Ice Age

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Domanda English Risposta English
can't take it
I can't take it anymore! Stop it!
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cannot deal with or accept sth
The baby squirms a lot
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wiercić się
Dziecko strasznie się wierci
just in case
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na wszelki wypadek
Pass me that little thingy on the table
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sth you don't know or cannot remember the name of
Podaj mi to małe coś na stole
Sit is a runt in comparison to Diego and Maniek.
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the smallest and weakest animal
to pommel
Maniek pommeled Sid on his neck.
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to hit sb repeatedly
Ew, yuck
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when sth is disgusting
look out/ watch out
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warning to be careful
coming through
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przepraszam, gdy przechodzisz w tłumie
cut it out
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Stop doing it!
to lactate
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to produce a milk, when a female has a baby
to mouth off
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wymądrzac się i za dużo gadać

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