I must simply face up to it 2 - Idioms

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exactly at the stated or expected time:
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on the dot
The plane landed at two o'clock on the dot.
The author didn’t turn up for appointments at the arranged time on the dot – he was always a little early.
to understand:
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get the picture
It's all right, don't say any more - I get the picture.
to clearly understand a situation
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get the picture clear
OK, I get the picture clear. I'll start looking for somewhere else to stay.
He didn’t get the picture clear at once about why his watch was to be confiscated.
to refuse to be pushed backwards, or to continue in your beliefs in an argument:
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stand your ground
Clare stood her ground in the meeting and refused to be intimidated even when Michael got angry.
When his watch was confiscated, he took it lying down. He didn’t stand his ground and put up a fight against it.
in the wrong place or looking wrong:
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out of place
The boy looked uncomfortable and out of place among the adults.
The company felt that such a sophisticated watch was out of place on his wrist.

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