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reading; about someone who is always reading
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with a nose in a book
My brother always had his nose in a book.
someone who likes reading very much
mol książkowy
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I was a real bookworm when I was a child.
to read something quickly and eagerly, or watch something with great interest
chłonąć (np. książkę)
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He devoured all three books in the series.
read all the way through from the beginning to the end
od deski do deski
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(from) cover to cover
I read that book from cover to cover in one day.
during one continuous period when you are sitting in a chair
za jednym razem
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at/in a one sitting
Millie read the whole book in one sitting.
to give the book so much attention that you don’t notice or think about antyhing else
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lost in a book
I live that feeling of getting lost in a book.
a book or paper that has the pages turned down at the corners as a result of a lot of use
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I found a dog-eared old copy on my father’s bookshelf.
a book or magazine that is one whose slightly damaged and appearance shows that it has been used many times
noszący ślady użytkowania
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I came across a well-thumbed copy of the novel in the library.
damaged, especially by being used a lot
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battered/ tatty
I have a battered old copy here that belonged to my uncle.
to attract someone's attention
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You must grab the reader's attention from the first sentence.
not reading
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I’m afraid I skipped some of the descriptive passages.

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