I ain't got nothing but the blues - Duke Ellington Letra Traducida

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Ain't got the change of a nickel
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No tengo ni cambio de 10 centavos
Ain't got no bounce in my shoes
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No tengo ni fuerza en los pies
Ain't go no fancy to tickle
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No tengo nada que se me antoje
I ain't got nothing but the blues
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No tengo más que tristeza
Ain't got no coffee that's perking
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No tengo café que me anime
Ain't got no winnings to lose
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No tengo ganancias que perder
Ain't got a dream that is working
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No tengo un sueño que funcione
I ain't got nothing but the blues
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No tengo más que tristeza
When trumpets flare up
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Cuando las trompetas estallan
I keep my hair up
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Llevo el pelo recogido
I just can't make it come down
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Es que no puedo darle caída
Believe me Peppie,
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Créeme, Peppie,
I can't get happy
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No consigo alegrarme
Since my ever loving baby left town
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Desde que se fue mi eterno enamorado
Ain't got no rest in my slumbers
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No tengo descanso en el sueño
Ain't got no feelings to bruise
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No tengo sentimientos que herir
Ain't got no telephone numbers
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No tengo números de teléfono
I ain't got nothing but the blues
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No tengo más que tristeza

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