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someone who often finds it difficult to sleep
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the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time
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someone who never drinks alcohol
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a person who strongly dislikes or fears foreigners, their customs, their religions, etc.
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someone who believes in pacifism
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the belief that war is wrong, and, therefore, that to fight in a war is wrong
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a person who doesn't support a ruling king or queen
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someone who dislikes new technology, especially computers, and is not able to use it with confidence
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a person who is interested in or studies the environment and who tries to protect it from being damaged by human activities
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someone who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in way that shows these are not sincere
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saying that you have particular moral beliefs but behaving in a way that shows these are not sincere
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a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time
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measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that sb's activities produce
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having little value or importance
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the process of making someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them