household chores

 0    14 schede    guest2172685
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Domanda Risposta
zmywać naczynia
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do the washing up
okurzać meble
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dust the furniture
prasować ubrania
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iron the clothes
nakrywać do stołu
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lay the table
wynosić śmieci
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take the rubbish out
nad kominkiem
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above the fireplace
za jednym z foteli
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behind one of the armchairs
między dwoma fotelami
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between two armchairs
w wazonie
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in a vase
przed sofą
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in front of the sofa
obok okna
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next to the window
na ścianie stole
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on the wall of the table
naprzeciw sofy
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opposite the sofa
pod stołem
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under the table

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