Household chores and activities

 0    59 schede    aleksandralot021
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Domanda Risposta
vacuum the carpet
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odkurzać dywan
sweep the foor
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zamiatać podłogę
mop the floor
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umyj podłogę
polish the stairs
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wypolerować schody
freeze the bread
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zamrozić chleb
Defrost the cake
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Rozmroź ciasto
peel the potatoes
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obierz ziemniaki
slice/cut the tomato
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pokroić pomidora
mix the cake batter (the ingredients)
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wymieszaj ciasto (składniki)
stir the soup
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zamieszać zupę
whisk the eggs
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ubij jajka
fry the fish
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usmaż rybę
roast the meat
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piec mięso
roll out the dough
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rozwałkować ciasto
grill vegetables (have a barbecue)
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grillować warzywa (zrobić grilla)
steam vegetables
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warzywa na parze
pour water
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wlać wodę
pass the pepper
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podać pieprz
put the cake (... on the plate)
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położyć ciasto (... na talerzu)
boil the water
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zagotuj wodę
blend the soup
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zmiksuj zupę
squeeze the lemon
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wyciśnij cytrynę
press the garlic
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wyciśnij czosnek
take out rubbish
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wyrzucić śmieci
wipe off table
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wytrzeć stół
fold the clothes
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składać ubrania
Brush your hair
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Uczesz swoje włosy
Put on makeup
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Nałóż makijaż
Use the toilet
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Skorzystaj z toalety
Iron clothes (do the ironing)
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Prasować ubrania (prasować)
trim the hedge
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przyciąć żywopłot
rake the leaves
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zgrabić liście
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sow the seeds
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zasiać nasiona
pull up weeds
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zbierać chwasty
water the plants
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podlej rośliny
transplant the flowers
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przesadzać kwiaty
harvest the cucumbers
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zbierać ogórki
pray the rosary
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odmawiaj różaniec
fall asleep
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do a puzzle / put together a puzzle
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układać puzzle
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play an instrument
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grać na instrumencie
build with blocks
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buduj z bloków
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opalać się
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listen to music
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słuchać muzyki
connect / unconnect the charger
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podłącz/odłącz ładowarkę
plug in / unplug
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podłącz / odłącz
paint the nails
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pomalować paznokcie
remove nail polish
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usunąć lakier do paznokci
cut your nails
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obetnij paznokcie
insert a pad
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włóż podkładkę
Look at yourself in the mirror
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Spójrz na siebie w lustrze
Try on clothes
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Przymierz ubrania
mow the grass
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skosić trawę
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Take a nap / Have a nap
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Zdrzemnij się / Zdrzemnij się

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