Hobby Phrasal Verbs + phrases

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to begin / start doing something - I took up horse-riding recently
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to take something up
to register / enroll - I signed up for yoga classes
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to sign up for something
to begin - I started with the guitar 2 years ago
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to start with something
to practise / make something better - I enjoy working on my drawing skills
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to work on something
to stop doing / admit defeat - I gave up the guitar, I just didn't have the time
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to give something up
to become interested in it - I've really gotten into watching the snooker
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to get into something
to stop doing it - I had to pack in the jam-making, they were always awful
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to pack something in
to test something - I've decided to try out dancing
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to try something out
znaleźć na coś czas
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find the time to do something
mieć talent
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have a talent
lubić coś / lubić coś robić
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fond of something / fond of doing something
dać z siebie wszystko
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do your best
z łatwością
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find something easy
z trudem
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find something difficult
popularny wśród
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popular with/among

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