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nadrabiać zaległości w czymś
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catch up on/with sth
to do something that you did not have time to do earlier
After the exams, I need to catch up on some sleep.
wkrótce, niedługo
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pretty soon
Pretty soon, the days will be long and hot.
odebrać telefon, wykonać telefon
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pick up the phone (informal)
to make a phone call to someone
If you need me, you just have to pick up the phone
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the process of helping someone to stop taking drugs or alcohol
She's just finished four months of rehab.
istotny, mający znaczenie, poważny
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useful, serious, or important
a meaningful discussion
przełamywać lody
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break the ice
to make people who have not met before feel relaxed with each other, often by starting a conversation
spędzać czas
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hang out (informal)
to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with a particular group of people
obok siebie
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side by side
If two things or people are side by side, they are next to each other.
sitting side by side on the sofa
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someone who does something against the rules of a religion
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the state of being a father
o to chodzi
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that's the point
But the truth is nobody really knows, and that's the point
sympatyczny, miły
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If you are likeable, you are pleasant and easy to like
a likeable character

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