Health & Disease X

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to be as pale as a ghost
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to be extremely pale
to be as fit as a fiddle
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to be healthy and physically fit
a charley horse
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a cramp, ból mięśni, zakwasy
a cramp
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kurcz, skurcz
to kick the bucket
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to die
to be just about to turn the corner
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to get well, begin to recover, dochodzić do siebie
to pop one’ s clogs
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to die, ‚wyciągnąć kopyta’, umrzeć
to be as fresh as a daisy
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to be healthy and physically fit, rześki jak skowronek
to look in the pink of health
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to look very healthy and well–rested
to be (as) right as rain
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to be in excellent health or condition
to have a frog in the throat
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to have temporary hoarseness caused by phlegm in the back of the throat
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to be given, get a new lease of life
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an occasion when one becomes more energetic and active than before
a lease
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najem, dzierżawa
to be full of beans
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tryskać energią, być pełnym energii
to have a clean bill of health
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mieć prawidłowe wyniki badań, być zdrowym
to pull through (have pulled through)
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powracać do zdrowia, wyjść z choroby
to be on the mend
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powracać do zdrowia
to mend
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naprawiać, reperować, zdrowieć
to be in bad shape
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to be ill, być w złej formie
to be blue around the gills
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być bladym, wyglądać na chorego
a gill
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skrzele, blaszka grzyba, czas. patroszyć rybę
to black out
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tracić przytomność
to feel blue
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być smutnym, zdołowanym
to pass out
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to be off colour
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marnie wyglądać i czuć się źle, być w złej formie
to be racked with pain
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zwijać się z bólu
to have a frog in one’s throat
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mieć chrypę
to run down
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wyładować się (o baterii), zmęczony, wymęczony, być w marnym stanie
to breathe one’s last
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to die, wydać ostatni oddech
to pass away
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to die, odchodzić
to push up the daisies
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to die, wąchać kwiatki od spodu
to slip away
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to die
to be ruled out
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być wykluczonym, odrzuconym
to be down with sth
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być chorym na coś
to catch a cold, the flu, a chill, pneumonia
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złapać przeziębienie, grypę, zaziębienie, zapalenie płuc
to get sopping wet
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przemoknąć do suchej nitki
to contract a disease, malaria, typhoid, measles
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złapać chorobę, malarię, tyfus (dur brzuszny), odrę
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tyfus, dur brzuszny
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to develop lung cancer, diabetes, AIDS, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease
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rozwinąć raka płuc, cukrzycę, AIDS, zapalenie stawów, Alzheimera
to suffer from asthma, hay fever, backache, a congenital defect
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cierpieć na astmę, katar sienny, ból pleców, wrodzony defekt
to have an attack of asthma, hay fever, diarrhoea, pain
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mieć atak astmy, kataru siennego, biegunki, bólu
to be diagnosed with lung cancer, AIDS, leukaemia, autism
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mieć zdiagnozowanego raka płuc, AIDS, białaczkę, autyzm
cystic fibrosis
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to suffer / sustain major / minor / serious / head injuries
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odnieść obrażenia
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straty w ludziach, ofiary
to suffer a heart attack
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odnieść zawał serca
a symptom
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subjective, a departure from normal function or feeling that is noticed by the patient and that indicates the presence of a disease or other abnormality
a sign
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objective, an indication of some medical fact that might be detected by a physician during a physical examination
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mortality rate
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the rate of the number of deaths in a given population
mortality rate
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śmiertelność, umieralność
morbidity rate
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the frequency with which a disease appears in a population
morbidity rate
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współczynnik zachorowalności
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infectious / communicable / transmissible disease
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choroba zakaźna
sick leave
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when an ill person takes time off from work, urlop chorobowy
disease, illness, sickness
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to be brought about by sth
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być wywołanym przez coś
a contagious disease
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any communicable disease transmitted by physical contact with the affected person or their secretions or objects they have come in contact with
an outbreak
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wykorzeniony, zwalczony
a neoplastic disease
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choroba nowotworowa
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a neoplastic disease which doesn’t spread nor gives metastases, łagodny
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a neoplastic disease which is metastasising, cancers, złośliwy
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a disease
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any abnormal condition of an organism
an infectious disease
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a disease triggered by some environmental factors
an autoimmune disease
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a disease caused by some internal abnormalities
an ailment
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an infectious disease
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a disease which comprises clinically proven illness, i.e. signs and / or symptoms resulting from an infection with some pathogenic agents
bacterium, bacteria
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bakteria, bakterie
fungus, fungi
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grzyb, grzyby
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a carrier
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an asymptomatic host, nosiciel
to pass the infection on to another person who may come down with the illness
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przekazać infekcję osobie która może na nią zapaść
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ospa prawdziwa, czarna ospa
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choroba Heinego Medina, polio
eradicated due to vaccination programmes
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wyeliminowany dzięki programom szczepień
to be on one’s rise
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podnosić się, wzrastać
take its/a toll on
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to harm or damage sb or sth especially in a gradual way
lifestyle related diseases
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cardiovascular problems, obesity, diabetes, allergies, choroby związane ze stylem życia
a lesion
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uszkodzenie, rana
to metastasise
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to spread, invade, destroy the surrounding tissues and finally kill the host
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to transform into cancer
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przeobrazić się w raka
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rozpowszechniony, powszechny
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a hypersensitive reaction to a normally harmless and ubiquitous substance
an allergen
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pyłek kwiatowy
dust mite
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pet dander
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sierść/skóra zwierzątek
a disease
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any condition that impairs the normal function of the body, referring specifically to infectious diseases caused by different pathogens
an illness
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ofter referred to as ill–health or an ailment. It is a state of poor health as seen by the patient
a sickness
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may refer to both the state of being ill as well as to vomiting
a sick leave
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paid sick days, time off from work when employees are ill and have to stay at home to get well
to call in sick
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to report going on a sick leave
medical certificate to have one’s absence excused
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zwolnienie lekarskie żeby mieć usprawiedliwioną nieobecność
a morning sickness
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a nauseated feeling one gets during the first trimester of pregnancy
a disorder
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any functional abnormality or disturbance, e.g. genetic, mental, metabolic
medical condition
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a term broadly used to describe different diseases and disorders, also a synonym for the medical state of a single patient
to be in a critical medical state
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być w krytycznym stanie
failure / insufficiency
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inability to perform assigned functions (of an organ)
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a diseased state or ill health due to any cause, it’s possible to measure its level among patients suffering from different diseases
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a simultaneous presence of two or more diseases
morbidity rate
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incidence rate or prevalence rate
incidence rate
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the probability of developing a particular disease during a given period of time
prevalence rate
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the number of people in a population who have a disease at a given time
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a measure of the number of deaths in a given population
a syndrome
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a combination of medical problems that commonly go together, which might show the existence of a particular disease or mental condition
incubation period
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the time between infection and the appearance of symptoms
latency period
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the time when the pathogen that has infected an organism is inactive
an acute disease
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a short–lived disease with a rapid onset and a short course
a course of disease
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przebieg choroby
a chronic disease
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a disease that lasts for a long time, usually at least six months
a flare–up
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an onset or recurrence of more severe symptoms
a refractory disease
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a disease that resists treatment
a progressive disease
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a disease that gets worse over the time leading to death, serious disability, or organ failure
a remission
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temporary reduction or disappearance of disease symptoms in patients who have chronic illness that cannot be cured
a relapse
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a recurrence of past medical condition
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a restoration of health or functioning
a restoration
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powrót zdrowia
a self–limiting disease
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a disease or condition that usually stops or ends without therapy or assistance, choroba samoograniczająca się
a localised disease
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a disease that affects only one part of the body
a disseminated disease
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a disease that has spread to other body parts (rozsiana)
a systemic disease
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a disease that affects the entire body
a preliminary diagnosis
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wstępna diagnoza
a differential diagnosis
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diagnostyka różnicowa
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a definitive diagnosis
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diagnoza końcowa
stages of a disease
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onset, manifestations: symptoms, signs, preliminary d, differential d, laboratory tests, definitive d, treatment, complications, prognosis, prevention
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influenza, the flu
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the flu, a contagious viral disease that affects the respiratory system
the flu virus
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an airborne virus that is spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes
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przenoszony drogą powietrzną
an outbreak
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wybuch, epidemia
a virus strain
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szczep wirusa
a flu vaccine
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szczepionka na grypę
to strike (a disease)
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wywołać chorobę
exposure to the virus
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ekspozycja na wirus
to (a disease) present with
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objawiać się
nasal congestion
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zatkany nos
to occur in (infants, children, adults)
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pojawiać się wśród
antiviral medication
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lekarstwo przeciwwirusowe
available with a prescription from a doctor
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dostępne na receptę od lekarza
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lingering effects
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efekty spowalniające
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zapalenie oskrzeli
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zapalenie płuc
sinus infections
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infekcja zatok
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brain inflammation
a weakened immune system
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osłabiony układ odpornościowy
to face a higher risk of complications
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być bardziej podatnym na komplikacje
to catch the flu
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złapać grypę
an injectable / nasal spray form
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forma do wstrzykiwania / spray do nosa
influenza–specific illnesses
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choroba wywołana przez influenze
a widespread strain
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szeroko rozpowszechniony szczep
a flu jab
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szczepionka / zastrzyk przeciw grypie
to mutate
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niedoczynność tarczycy
german measles
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rubella, różyczka
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pink eye
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ostre zapalenie spojówek
cold sore
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opryszczka wargowa
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tetanus, tężec
whooping cough
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pertussis, krztusiec, koklusz
athlete’s foot
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grzybica stóp
kissing disease
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mononukleoza zakaźna
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parotitis, świnka
common cold
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ospa wietrzna
upset stomach
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rozstrój żołądka
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rubeola, morbilli, odra
the clap
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ślinienie się
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niemoc, apatia
pharyngeal inflammation
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zapalenie gardła
stabbing pain
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kłujący, przeszywający ból
difficulty swallowing
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problemy z połykaniem
cracked skin
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popękana skóra
swollen glands
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powiększone węzły chłonne
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blizny po ospie
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zapalenie cewki moczowej
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mrowienie, kłucie, kłujący ból
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grudka na skórze
runny nose
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odcisk, pęcherz
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pocenie się
tarry stools
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smoliste stolce
watery eyes
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nadmierne łzawienie
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patchy throat
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plamy w gardle
the trots
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burning on urination
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pieczenie przy oddawaniu moczu
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sore throat
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ból gardła
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mrowienie, ciarki
itchy patches / rash
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swędzące plamy, wysypka
a scab
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strup, crust
muscle spasm / convulsions
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kurcze / drgawki mięśni
paroxysmal cough
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kaszel napadowy
purulent discharge
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wydzielina ropna
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powiększenie węzłów chłonnych
low grade fever
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niewysoka gorączka
pins and needles
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mrowienie, uczucie ścierpnięcia
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powiększenie śledziony
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drażliwość, skłonność do irytacji
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mdłości, nudności
crampy stomach
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kurczliwy żołądek
throbbing pain
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pulsujący ból np migrena
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drżenie, dygotanie
penile discharge
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zapalenie jąder
skin peeling / flaky skin / scaly
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łuszczenie się skóry
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wypuklający się
clammy skin
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lepka skóra
difficulty breathing
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problemy z oddechem
urinary and faecal incontinence
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nietrzymanie moczu i stolca
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krosta, pryszcz
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skórka, piętka
muscle pain
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obfity, wylewny
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mrowienie, kłucie, kłujący ból
German measles
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varicella, rubella, różyczka
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herpes zoster
pink eye
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cold sore
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herpes simplex
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whooping cough
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athlete’s foot
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tinea pedis
kissing disease
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the clap
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epidemic parotitis
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rubeola, morbilli
common cold
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acute coryza
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nieżyt śluzowy nosa, przeziębienie
Lyme disease
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seven–year itch
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scabies, świerzb
coccus (cocci)
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spherical–shaped bacterium, ziarenkowiec
bacillus (bacilli)
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rod–shaped bacterium, pałeczka, prątek
spirillum (spirilla)
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spiral–shaped bacteria, śrubowiec
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a cluster of spherical–shaped bacteria, gronkowiec
a cluster
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an intermediate shape between spherical and rod–shaped bacteria, pałeczka
a Gram positive bacterium
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a bacterium which reacts to a Gram stain in the way that it takes the initial stain and become purple
a Gram negative bacterium
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a bacterium which doesn’t take the initial stain and becomes pink
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aerobic bacteria
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bacteria that need oxygen for survival
anaerobic bacteria
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bacteria that do not require oxygen for survival
autotrophic bacteria
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bacteria that can synthesize their own food
heterotrophic bacteria
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bacteria that consume organic matter
intermediate shape
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pośredni kształt
to retain the stain
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zachowywać, gromadzić barwnik
outer membrane
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błona zewnętrzna
purple dye
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fioletowy barwnik
staining method
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metoda barwienia
mode of nutrition
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sposób odżywiania
broad–spectrum antibiotics
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semi–synthetic penicillins that include both Gram–positive and Gram–negative bacteria, antybiotyki o szerokim spektrum
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antibiotic resistance
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occurs when strains of bacteria in the human body become resistant to antibiotics due to improper use and abuse of antibiotics
antibiotic resistance
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oporność na antybiotyk
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strains of bacteria that have changed /mutated after coming into contact with an antibiotic, become resistant to the antib to which they have been exposed
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sulfa drugs
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a class of bacteriostatic synthetic chemical substances used to treat bacterial infections, highly toxic
sulfa drug
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culture and sensitivity test
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is performed in order to check whether the patient will respond to the treatment with a particular antibiotic
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a common group of bactericidal antibiotics, which include penicillins and cephalosporins
antifungal antibiotics
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antibiotics used for infections caused by fungi, the most important being nystatin and amphotericin B
bactericidal antibiotics
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inhibit the synthesis of the bacterial wall, without which the bacteria die
bacteriostatic antibiotics
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inhibit the synthesis of new proteins by bacteria, preventing their growth and multiplication
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methicillin–resistant staphylococcus aureus
adverse reactions
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side effects
ban from sale
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take off the market
clouding of consciousness
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brain fog
brain fog
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stan, w którym trudno się skupić i jasno myśleć
to cause
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to prompt
to continue
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to persist
to emphasize
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to highlight
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general, not specific
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to improve
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to restore
to include
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to capture
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make one feel very bad
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hospital–acquired, szpitalny
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range of
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array of
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sensitive to
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susceptible to
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to restore health
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odzyskać zdrowie
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a lawsuit
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proces sądowy, pozew
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nieodpowiednio, niestosownie
a bacterial infection
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infekcja bakteryjna
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nabyte w szpitalu
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ból ucha
to resolve
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przechodzić (choroba)
potent (a drug)
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mocny, silny
susceptible to
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podatny na
the array of diffuse
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szeroki wybór, zakres dyfuzji, rozprzestrzeniania się
to prompt sb to do sth
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sugerować, podpowiadać komuś by zrobić coś
to take the next dose
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brać następną dawkę
to eviscerate
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osłabiać, pogarszać
uncontrollable shaking
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niekontrolowane trzęsienie się
to persist
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utrzymywać się, nieustępować
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a first–line treatment
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leczenie pierwszego rzutu
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a macrolide
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oszpecający, zniekształcający
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zlecony, polecony
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zapalenie ścięgien
tendon rapture
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zerwanie ścięgna
to block neuromuscular activity
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blokować aktywność neurologiczno mięśniową
adverse reactions
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adverse effects
to capture
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retinal detachment
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odwarstwienie siatkówki
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przewlekła niezapalna choroba reumatyczna tkanek miękkich
to be taken off the market
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być zdjętym z rynku
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nieuzasadniony, nie do usprawiedliwienia
suitability for
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stosowność, nadawanie się do
non steroidal anti–inflammatory drug
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to be alert for sth
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uważać na coś
to become apparent
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zrobić się zauważalne
readily recognised
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być z łatwością rozpoznany
evoke adverse reactions
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wywoływać efekty niepożądane
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rozedma płuc
dental caries
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próchnica zębów
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
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colorectal cancer
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rak jelita grubego
to be strong–willed
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mieć silną wolę
a vasectomy
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przecięcie / podwiązanie nasieniowodów
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to drive under the influence
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prowadzić pod wpływem
liable to
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odpowiedzialny, zobowiązany, podatny, skłonny, podlegać czemuś
to abstain from
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wstrzymywać się od
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the incidence or prevalence of a disease or of all diseases in a population
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a very contagious infection that causes a rash all over the body, also called rubeola
bactericidal antibiotics
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a group of antibiotics that kill bacteria by means of inhibiting cell wall synthesis
culture & sensitivity
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a laboratory test performed in order to check what kind of organism is causing an illness or infection and what kind of medicine will work best to treat it
to curl up
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zwijać się w kłębek
to drape the wound with sterile towels
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owinąc ranę sterylnymi ręcznikami
to consent to treatment by one’s free will
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zgodzić się na leczenie z własnej woli
mental decline
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pogarszanie funkcji umysłowych
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związany z wiekiem
a hearing aid
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aparat słuchowy
a walking stick
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a pressure pad
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materac przeciwodleżynowy
an incontinence pad
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wkładka higieniczna
a bath lift
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uchwyt w wannie
a power chair
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wózek inwalidzki
a helping hand
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pomocna dłoń
false teeth
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sztuczna szczęka
artificial hip
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proteza stawu biodrowego
walking frame
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zmieszanie, splątanie
loss of cognitive memory
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utrata pamięci kognitywnej
nursing care
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pomoc pielęgniarska, w domu starców
to wander
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włóczyć się, wędrować, błądzić myślami
shuffling gait
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powłóczenie nogą, szuranie
confinement to bed or a wheelchair
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przykucie do łóżka, wózka inwalidzkiego
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kruchy, wątły
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cannot move around freely
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cannot leave one’s bed
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often wetting oneself
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not seeing very well
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not hearing very well
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to make things happen at the same time
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to change the electrical connections
degenerative brain diseases
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degeneracyjne choroby neurologiczne
motor skills
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the ability to control one’s movements
care homes
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domy opieki
mental decline
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pogorszenie zdolności umysłowych
lack of mental stimulation
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brak stymulacji umysłowej

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