have to

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Bóg ma plan
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God has a plan
mam nadzieję
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I hope
ona ma dla Ciebie dużą niespodziankę
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she has a big surprise for you
ona nie ma wyboru
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she doesnt have a choice
on nie ma czasu
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he doesnt have a time
on nie ma przyjaciół
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he doesnt have friends
nie mam tego
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i don't have it
Twoja rodzina nie ma pieniędzy
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your family doesnt have a Money
on nie ma dziewczyny
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he doesnt have a girlfriend
Malina pracuje dziś wieczorem, wchodzę.
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Malina is working tonight, i'm in.
co robisz w sobotę?
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what are you doing on saturday
Pytasz mnie o pogodę?
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You ARE asking me about The weather?

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