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przepraszam za spóźnienie
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I'm sorry for being late
przepraszam, że musiałeś czekać
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I'm sorry for making you wait
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spice it up
doprawić to solą i pieprzem
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season it with salt and pepper
nie mogę się doczekać
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I'm looking forward to
Będzie miło
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It gonna be nice
padła mi bateria
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my battery is dying
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watch out!
to zależy od ciebie
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it's up to you
nic na to nie poradzę
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I can't help it
w zupełności się zgadzam
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I totally agree/ I couldn't agree more
wierzę Ci na słowo
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I take your word for it
rozumiem twój punkt widzenia
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I get your point
z miłą chęcią
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I'd love to
miło mi to słyszeć
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I'm glad to hear that
przykro mi to słyszeć
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I'm sorry to hear that
w takim razie
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in that case
przede wszystkim
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first of all, In the first place
w najblizszej przyszlosci
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in the near future
to nie ma sensu
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it doesn't make sense
nie opłaca się
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it doesn't pay to
to wspaniałe uczucie
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it feels great to
to się rozumie samo przez się
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it goes without saying
mamy tu urwanie głowy
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It is all go here
powszechnie wiadomo, że
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it is common knowledge that
mówi się, że.../ podobno
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it is reported that
to dla mnie wiele znaczy
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It means a lot to me
wydaje mi się, że
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it seems to me that
wszystko mi jedno
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I do not care/ It's all the same to me
to jest na porządku dziennym
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It's common practice
robi sie późno
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it's getting late
trudno powiedzieć
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It's hard to say
to tylko kwestia czasu
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It's just a matter of time
to więcej niż prawdopodobne
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it's more than likely
to nie są żarty
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It's no joke
nie ma sensu robić czegoś
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It's no use doing something
ciągle to samo
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still the same/ It's the same old story
to jest zbyt piękne, aby było prawdziwe
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it is too good to be true
na wszelki wypadek
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just in case
pozwól mi się zastanowić
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let me think
spotkajmy się u mnie
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let's meet at my place
kope lat się nie widzieliśmy
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long time no see
uważaj! ostrożnie!
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look out!
I kto to mówi?
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Look who's talking!
nie ma szans!
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not a chance!
Bez urazy
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No hard feelings!
Nic złego się nie stało!
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No harm done!
Nie ma o czym mówić.
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Nothing to speak of
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for the record
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off the record
mówi się, że...
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People say that
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a piece of cake
wstydź się!
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shame on you!
pokaż co potrafisz
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show your stuff
prześpij się z tym
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sleep on it
niech tak będzie
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so be it
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Take it easy!
to coś nowego!
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That makes a change!
a propos
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by the way/ That reminds me
dość tego
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enough/ That will do
takie jest życie
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That's life
Nie w tym rzecz
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It's not the point/ That's not the issue
o to właśnie chodzi
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that's the point
wydaje się, że jest
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There seems to be
jaka szkoda
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what a pity
Co za marnotrastwo
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What a waste
co u licha?
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what on earth?
Jaki masz rozmiar?
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What size are your?
co w tym śmiesznego?
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what's so funny?
czyja kolej?
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whose turn is it?
tu masz rację
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You have a point there
chyba żartujesz
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you're kidding me/ you must be joking
czy zjesz z nami lunch?
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will you join us for lunch?
zaraz wracam
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I'll be right back
To się na nic nie zda
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It won't help
to nie zaszkodzi
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it won't hurt
nic złego się nie stało
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nothing bad happened
pokaż, co potrafisz!
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show what you can do!
w razie potrzeby
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if necessary
zjawić się, pojawić się
Ona nie zjawiła się na własnym ślubie
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turn up
She didn't tyrn up to her own wedding.
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go ahead
dziać się dalej, iść do przodu
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go on
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keep on
posuwać się naprzód
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move on
we should move on to the next presentation
wpaść do kogoś z wizytą
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drop in
can you drop in for dinner?
wpaść gdzieś
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come by
zdobyć cos, zawalczyć
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go for it
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to get off
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to get into
odbierac kogos
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pick up
I'll pick you up from the airport
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hold on/ hang on
Hold on, i'll be with you in a minute
trzymac sie czegos
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hold on
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Carry on
I'm sorry, please carry on
zakończyć się
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be over
The meeting will be over before 8 o'clock
w pewnym momencie
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at some point
słuchawki nie działały
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earphones didn't work
w samolocie do Londynu
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on a plane to London
udaliśmy się do hotelu
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we went to the hotel
na śniadaniu
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at the breakfast
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a cave
niektóre z nich
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some of them
z których każda
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each of which
drugi raz w życiu
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second time ever
w dupach wam się poprzewracało
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You are way over your fucking heads
złap aluzję
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take the hint
udało mi się
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I managed to!
ja stawiam
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it's my treat, it's on me, this one's one me
jak gdyby, jakby
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as if/ as though
podczas gdy
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myć ręce
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Wash up
Wash up before eating
ściszać/ przygaszać światło
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turn sth down
Can you turn down the sound? I can't hear my own thoughts./ I turned the lights down.
uważać, być ostrożnym, wyjrzeć np przez okno
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look out (the window)
rozwiązać problem
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sort out
This problem needs to be sorted out.
taki jak
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just like, like, such as
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actually, in fact
w takiej sytuacji
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In that case/ in this case
w celu
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in order to
od czasu do czasu
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from time to time
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as a result
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in addition to this
mimo że / chociaż
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mimo wszystko
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after all
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so far, until now
Tak daleko jak
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As far as
jak gdyby
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as if
za chwilę
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in a moment
w ten sam sposób
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in the same way
w tym samym czasie
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at the same time
ponad wszystko
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above all
ogólnie mówiąc
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in general
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in detail
w sumie
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in total, overall
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to sum up
ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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all in all
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American lobster
igła i białe nici
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needle and white threads

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