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the best or most important product, idea, etc. that an organization owns or produces: flagowy; najważniejszy
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to try to find or get something, szukać
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showing good judgement, especially about style and quality mądry; światły
What is your destination?
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miejsce docelowe (podróży)
Jaki jest twój cel podróży?
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a view, especially a splendid view from a high position widok
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a level of quality which can be used as a standard when comparing other things: miara; kryterium
looking out
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wychodzący na
At the forefronT
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na przodzie, w czołówce
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szczyt gory
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cater for
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to provide what is wanted or needed by someone zaspokajać
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adj. extremely pleasant, beautiful or peaceful: sielankowy
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a sudden desire or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained: pol. zachcianka, życzenie; kaprys
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a flat area of stone or grass outside a house, where people sit and sometimes eat taras
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the buildings, equipment and services provided for a particular purpose: udogodnienia
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adj. with a lot of green, healthy plants, grass and trees: bardzo zielony; bujny
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on hand
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near to someone or something, and ready to help or be used if necessary: w gotowości
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admiring a particular thing very much, often too much: kult, uwielbienie
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luksusowy, ekskluzywny
take advantage of
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to use the good things in a situation; wykorzystać
boutique hotel
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intimate, luxurious hotel; known as "design/ lifestyle hotel"
Balinese bed
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four poster bed łóżko z baldachimem
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adj. extremely big: duży, ogromny
The staff had a good relationship with the pupils.
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Kadra miała dobre relacje z uczniami.
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to make someone feel calm or less worried: łagodzić, koić
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to allow yourself to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you: spełniać zachcianki, dogadzać
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a high level of knowledge or skill: doświadczenie
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gotować na parze, sauna/ kąpiel parowa
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a large group of things especially one which is attractive admiration and which has been positioned in a particular way: wybór, wachlarz
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an area of flat ground outside which is partly or completely enclosed by the walls of a building podwórze; dziedziniec
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to make something certain to happen: zapewnić
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flotation pool
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an area of filled with water that you can float in for relaxation basen solankowy
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adj. with a light from a thick stick with material which burns: oświetlony światłem pochodni
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a distinctive atmosphere; atmosfera; nastrój
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adj. containing different things or types: różnorodny
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the amount, number or type of something between an upper and a lower limit: zakres
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adj. with a pleasant wind, przewiewny
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kuchnia (np. kuchnia hiszp.)
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to provide with a place to live or to be stored in: zmieścić; pomieścić
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portier; recepcjonista; pomocnik w hotelu
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a room in a hotel where people can relax or wait: salon/ hol hotelowy
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adj. easy to recognize because it is different from other things: charakterystyczny
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wytworność; wykwintność
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adj. having no equal; better than any other of the same type niezrównany, bezkonkurencyjny
set a new standard
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wyznacz nowy standard
luxury resort
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luksusowy ośrodek
to set a new benchmark.
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aby ustanowić nowy punkt odniesienia.
discerning tourists
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wymagających turystów
an idyllic location
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idylliczna lokalizacja
an unforgettable vista...
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niezapomniana panorama...
superb level of comfort
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doskonały poziom komfortu
soothe body and soul
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koją ciało i duszę
Give the sensation of sth
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Daj wrażenie czegoś
offers the opportunity.
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oferuje możliwość.
the expertise of the staff
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kompetencje personelu
Relaxing massages.
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Masaże relaksacyjne.
calming oasis
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uspokajająca oaza
leisure options
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możliwości spędzania wolnego czasu
torch-lit courtyard.
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oświetlony pochodniami dziedziniec.
Spanish cuisine.
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Kuchnia hiszpańska.
a party vibe
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imprezowa atmosfera
an unrivalled destination
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niezrównany cel podróży
an added attraction
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dodatkowa atrakcja
luxury and refinement
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luksus i wyrafinowanie
destination for holidaymakers
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miejsce dla wczasowiczów
at the forefront of
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Na czele
cater for all tastes
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zaspokoić wszystkie gusta
Coupled with
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W połączeniu z
Whim is catered for
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Kaprys jest zaspokajany
pool is bordered by sth
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basen graniczy z czymś
To take advantage of
We have to take full advantage of this opportunity.
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Zdobyć przewagę nad
Musimy w pełni wykorzystać tę sytuację.
Indulge in sth
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rozkoszować się czymś
A vast array of treatments
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Szeroki wachlarz zabiegów
pressures of everyday life
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presja dnia codziennego
on hand
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pod ręką
Centre about
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Centrum o
Ranging from
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Począwszy od
cater for all tastes
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zaspokoić wszystkie gusta
in a sublime setting
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w wysublimowanej oprawie
to entertain sb with sth
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zabawiać kogoś czymś
a splendid view from a high position
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wspaniały widok z wysokiej pozycji
deserving to be admired
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zasługujący na podziw
a sudden desire
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nagłe pragnienie
it cannot be reasonably explained
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nie da się tego racjonalnie wytłumaczyć
completely enclosed by the walls of a building
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całkowicie zamknięty ścianami budynku
to make something certain to happen
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sprawić, by coś na pewno się wydarzyło
an area of filled with water
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obszar wypełniony wodą
you can float in for relaxation
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możesz unosić się na wodzie dla relaksu
a thick stick with material which burns
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gruby kij z materiałem, który się pali
a distinctive atmosphere
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charakterystyczna atmosfera
containing different things
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zawierające różne rzeczy
something between an upper and a lower limit
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coś pomiędzy górną a dolną granicą
to be stored in
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do przechowywania w
having no equal
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nie mając sobie równych

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