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city names, countries without articles, continents, geographic directions, directions with adverbs
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Yesterday, I drove to Stuttgart
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Gestern bin ich nach Stuttgart gefahren.
He is coming to Germany next year
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Er kommt nächstes Jahr nach Deutschland.
We are flying to Asia next week
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Wir fliegen nächste Woche nach Asien.
We are hiking to the North
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Wir wandern nach Norden
I am going up / down
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Ich gehe nach oben / unten.
I am going left
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Ich gehe nach links
to going person, someone's house, a professional, place or an event with article
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Tomorrow, I have to go to the doctor
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Morgen muss ich zum Arzt.
ali'ye gidiyorum
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Ich gehe zu Ali.
Are you guys going to the bakery?
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Geht ihr zum Bäcker?
bir arkadasimin yanina gidiyorum
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Ich fahre zu einem Freund von mir.
We have to go to university today
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Wir müssen heute zur Uni.
First, I have to go to the bank
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Ich muss erst zur Bank.
building, room, place with roof and walls, units, countries with articles, mountain area, street
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The Kids still have to got school for three weeks
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Die Kinder müssen noch drei Wochen in die Schule gehen.
We are going downtown
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Wir fahren in die Innenstadt.
Betül is going into the Kitchen
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Betül geht in die Küche
On Sundays, we go to church
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Sonntags gehen wir in die Kirche
Haftasonu Isvicreye gidiyoruz
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Am Wochenende fahren wir in die Schweiz.
Geçen haftasonu Alplere kayak yapmaya gittik
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Wir sind letztes Wochenende in den Alpen Ski gefahren.
I am going to bed now
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Ich gehe jetzt ins Bett.
She is flying to the USA tomorrow
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Sie fliegt morgen in die USA.
O yurtdisinda egitim gormek istiyor
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Sie will im Ausland studieren
I was at home
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Ich war zu Hause
I was not at home yesterday
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Ich war gestern nicht zu Hause.
Ali dün isteydi
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Ali war gestern auf der Arbeit.
Biz marketteydik
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Wir waren im Supermarkt.
Ali is gezisindeydi
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Ali war auf Geschäftsreise-Dienstreise
war + infinitiv
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bir yere gidip bisey yaptigimizda kullanilir. (gramatik olarak yanlis ama boyle kullaniliyor)
Alisverise gittim
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Ich war einkaufen (gramatik olarak yanlis ama boyle kullaniliyor)
Yuzmeye gittim
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Ich war schwimmen
She went running
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Sie war laufen
I took a shower
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Ich war duschen

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