Guten Appetit 2

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Domanda Risposta
the shop, the shops
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das Geschäft, die Geschäfte
The shop, the load
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der Laden, die Läden
the coal, the money
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die Kohle, die Kohlen
the department store, the department stores
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das Kaufhaus, die Kaufhäuser
the peanut, the peanuts
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die Erdnuss, die Erdnüsse
peas, peas
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die Erbse, die Erbsen
the cabbage
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die Kohl
the napkin, the napkins
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die Serviette, die Servietten
the menu, the menus
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die Speisekarte, die Speisekarten
The fork, the forks
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die Gabel, die Gabeln
the cinnamon
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der Zimt, die Zimte
the trout
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die Forelle, die Forellen
the sliced meats
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der Aufschnitt
the saucer, the saucers
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die Untertasse, die Untertassen
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der Mais
the tablecloth, the tablecloths
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die Tischdecke, die Tischdecken
the rusks, the rusks
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der Zwieback, die Zwiebäcke
the grape, the grapes
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die Traube, die Trauben
the fried fish, the fried fish
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der Bratfisch, die Bratfische
the puree, the puree
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der Brei, die Breie
the plate, the plates
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der Teller, die Teller
the mint, the mints
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die Minze, die Minzen
the peppermint tea
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der Pfeffermintztee
the lamb meat
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das Lammfleisch
the bacon, the bacon
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der Speck, die Specke
liverwurst, liver sausages
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die Leberwurst, die Leberwürste
the potato porridge, the potato porridge
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der Kartoffelbrei, die Kartoffelbreie
the invitation, the invitations
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die Einladung, die Einladungen
to clean
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to unshell
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to cut
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the fruit, the fruits
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die Frucht, die Früchte
apple apples
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der Apfel, die Äpfel
the pomegranate, the pomegranates
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der Granatapfel, die Granatäpfel
Orange oranges
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die Orange, die Orangen
the orange, the oranges
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die Apfelsine, die Apfelsinen
the pineapple, the pineapples
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die Ananas, die Ananase
the banana, the banana
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die Banane, die Bananen
the plum, the plums
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die Pflaume, die Pflaumen
the plum, the plums
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die Zwetschke, die Zwetschken
peach, peaches
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der Pfirsich, die Pfirsiche
the Pfursich, the peaches
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der Pfirsich, die Pfirsiche
the apricot, the apricots
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die Marille, die Marillen
the apricot, the apricots
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die Aprikose, die Aprikosen
cherry, cherries
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die Kirsche, die Kirschen
the sour cherry, the sour cherries
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die Sauerkirsche, die Sauerkirschen
the Kahlrabi
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der Kahlrabi
The radish
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das Radieschen
the zucchini
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die Zucchini
the lentis
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die Linse
the broccoli, the broccoli
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der Brokkoli, die Brokkolie
the pumpkin, the pumpkins
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der Kürbis, die Kürbise
the paprika, the peppers
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der Paprika, die Paprikas
the carrot, the carrots
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die Karotte, die Karotten
the carrot, the carrots
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die Möhre, die Möhren
chili peppers
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der Pfefferoni, die Pfefferonis
the garlic, the garlic
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der Knoblauch, die Knoblauche
the Fisole, the Fisoles
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die Fisole, die Fisolen
the bean, the beans
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die Bohne, die Bohnen
the mushrooms
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der Champignons
It's very nice of you but you can't help me.
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Du bist sehr nett, aber du kannst mir nicht helfen.
to build
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The task you assigned us yesterday was too difficult.
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Die Aufgabe, die du uns gestern gegeben hast, war zu schwierig.
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I'm tired and I want to go back home.
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Ich bin müde und will nach Hause zurückkehren.
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fish dish
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to try
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the dish, the dishes
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das Gericht, die Gerichte
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real, genuine
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normally, usually
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must, had to
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free time, leisure
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die Freizeit, die Freizeiten
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the melon, the melons
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die Melone, die Melonen
watermelon, watermelons
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die Wassermelone, die Wassermelonen
the TV, the TV
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der Fernseher, die Fernseher
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