Grammar lesson - modals advanced

 0    10 schede    Kalifa
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Ona może być za granicą (Perhaps she is abroad)
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She may be abroad
Może się nie kąpała (Perhaps she wasn't taking a bath)
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She may not have been taking a bath
On może się uczył (Perhaps he has been/was studying)
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He may have been studying
Musiała się zgubić (I think, she has lost her way)
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She must have lost her way
On musiał wyjechać/opuścić z Australii/Australie (I suppose he has left Australia)
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He must have left Australia
On musiał być w Niemczech (I think, he was in Germany)
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He must have been in Germany
On na pewno przegra (It's certain that he will fail)
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He is bound to fail
Musiała uczestniczyć w ceremonii (It's certain that she attended the ceremony)
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She must have attended the ceremony
Będę musiał odrzucić ten plan (I must reject this plan)
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I will have to reject this plan
Nie mogła zapomnieć (I don't think she has forgotten)
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She can't have forgotten

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