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który, które, gdzie, kiedy, dlaczego, czyje
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who/that, which/that, where, when, why, whose/of which
that's the man who saved my life. He has a car which cost a fortune. That's the place where i met my husband. I'll never forget the day when i first met him. it was late, that was why I didn't call you. this is story of a Man whose ideas saved the World.
zawsze zwykle często czasami prawie nigdy / rzadko nigdy.
przed czasownikiem, ale po czasowniku be, w przeczeniu po don't/doesn't, w pytaniach po podmiocie.
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always usually often sometimes hardly ever/rarely never.
you are always late. we usually go to the cinema on sunday. we don't often go to bed late. is he always late?
mniej niż
Ania jest mniej uważana niż Tomek.
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less than
Ania is less considerate than Tomek.

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