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Now >
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at the time / then
today >
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that day
Yesterday >
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the day before
2 hours ago >
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2 hours earlier / before
tomorrow >
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the following day
here >
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this/there >
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I/we >
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he, she / they
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him, her/them
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gdyby wzieła mapę niezgubiłaby drogi
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if she had taken the map she wouldn't have lost her way
Gdyby zarobił pieniądze wyjechałby za granicę
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If he earns money, he will go abroad
gdybym była tobą uczyła bym się więcej
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if I were you I would learn more
Maciek is very brave
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Alan said Maciek WAS very brave
Kate is cooking now.
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Frank said that Kate WAS cooking them.
Mary HAS pointed her room
have/Has + 3/ed prezent. prfect
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Peter told me Mary HAD pointed her room
past perfect
I WENT to the cinema
past simple
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Kate said she HAD gone to the cinema
Past Perfect. HAD + III/ed
I will study medicine
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Kate told me she would study medicine
Frank is going to buy a new house
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He said Frank WAS going to buy a new house
Joe was lying
past continous
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Kate said that Joe HAD BEEN lying
Past Perfect Continous

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