Domanda |
Risposta |
Somebody has stolen my key. inizia ad imparare
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Mój klucz został skradziony.
Somebody has stolen my keys. inizia ad imparare
My keys have been stolen. inizia ad imparare
Moje klucze zostały skradzione.
Nobody has invited me to the party inizia ad imparare
Nikt mnie nie zaprosił na imprezę
I haven’t been invited to the party. inizia ad imparare
Nie zaproszono mnie na imprezę.
Has somebody washed, this shirt? inizia ad imparare
Czy ktoś uprał tę koszulę?
Has this shirt been washed? inizia ad imparare
Czy ta koszula została uprana?
The room isn't dirty anymore inizia ad imparare
Pokój nie jest już brudny
inizia ad imparare
The room, was cleaned yesterday. inizia ad imparare
Ten pokój został posprzątany wczoraj.
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Nie mogę znaleźć moich kluczy.
I think they've been stolen. inizia ad imparare
Myślę, że zostały skradzione.
My keys, were stolen last week. inizia ad imparare
Moje klucze zostały skradzione w zeszłym tygodniu.
The car‘s being repaired. inizia ad imparare
Samochód jest naprawiony.
The car's getting repaired. inizia ad imparare
Samochód jest naprawiany.
A bridge is being built. A bridge is getting built. inizia ad imparare
The windows are being washed. The windows are getting washed. inizia ad imparare
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The grass is getting cut. inizia ad imparare
The office is being cleaned inizia ad imparare
The office is getting cleaned. inizia ad imparare
The shirts have been ironed inizia ad imparare
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The window's been broken. inizia ad imparare
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The roof is being repaired inizia ad imparare
The roof is getting repaired. inizia ad imparare
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Samochód został zniszczony.
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Samochód został zniszczony.
The houses are being torn down. inizia ad imparare
The houses are getting torn down. inizia ad imparare
The trees have been cut down. inizia ad imparare
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They’ve been invited to a party. inizia ad imparare
Zostali zaproszeni na imprezę.
They got invited to a party. inizia ad imparare
Zostali zaproszeni na imprezę.
I can't use my office right now. inizia ad imparare
Nie mogę teraz korzystać z mojego biura.
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We didn't go to the party. We weren't invited. inizia ad imparare
Nie poszliśmy na imprezę. Nie byliśmy zaproszeni.
The washing machine was broken. It’s been repaired now. inizia ad imparare
Zmywarka zepsuła się. Teraz jest naprawiana.
The washing machine was getting repaired, yesterday afternoon. inizia ad imparare
Zmywarka była naprawiana wczoraj po południu.
A factory is a place, where things are made. inizia ad imparare
Fabryka jest miejscem, gdzie produkowane są rzeczy.
How old are these houses? When were they built? inizia ad imparare
Ile lat mają te domy? Kiedy zostały zbudowane?
Is the computer being used at the moment? — Yes, Tom is using it. inizia ad imparare
Czy komputer jest aktualnie używany? - Tak, Tom go używa.
I've never seen these flowers before. What are they called? inizia ad imparare
Nigdy wcześniej nie widziałem tych kwiatów. Jak one się nazywają?
My sunglasses were stolen, at the beach yesterday. inizia ad imparare
Moje okulary zostały skradzione na plaży wczoraj.
The bridge is closed. It got damaged last week, and it hasn't been repaired yet. inizia ad imparare
Most jest zamknięty. Został zniszczony w zeszłym tygodniu i jeszcze nie został naprawiony.e.
It hasn't gotten repaire yet. inizia ad imparare
Nie został jeszcze naprawiony.
Please be quiet. I’m working. inizia ad imparare
Proszę bądź cicho. Pracuję.
It isn't raining right now. inizia ad imparare
What are you doing tonight? inizia ad imparare
Co robisz dzisiaj wieczorem?