Gli Articoli (con gli spiegazioni)

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I want the Calvino's book.
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Voglio il libro di Calvino.
the definite article is used to identify a person or a thing known by the speaker and the listener.
I know Maria's children.
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Conosco i figli di Maria.
the definite article is used to identify a person or a thing known by the speaker and the listener.
I want a book by Calvino.
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Voglio un libro di Calvino.
we are asking for ANY book by Calvino
I know one of Maria’s sons
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Conosco un figlio di Maria
we state that we know A son of Maria.
Bats are mammals
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I pipistrelli sono mammiferi
UNLIKE IN ENGLISH in Italian the definite article is used in front of PLURAL nouns indicating an entire SPECIES
I like The poems of Ungaretti
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Mi piacciono le poesie di Ungaretti
UNLIKE IN ENGLISH in Italian the definite article is used in front of PLURAL nouns indicating an entire CATEGORY
Gold is a precious metal
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L'oro è un metallo prezioso
UNLIKE IN ENGLISH the definite article is used in front of nouns of MINERALS, and in a GENERAL sense (men and women when meaning mankind).
I come from Italy
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vengo dall'italia
In Italian, UNLIKE IN ENGLISH, the definite article is used in front of a name of a COUNTRY
I am going to Germany
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Vado in Germania
LIKE IN ENGLISH, the definite article is NOT used in front of the name of a COUNTRY when preceded by the PREPOSITION "IN".
In Southern Italy there are many Greek temples.
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Nell'Italia meridionale ci sono molti templi greci.
The definite article is used, even with the preposition “in”, if the COUNTRY name is modified by an ADJECTIVE or is part of the name itself, for example " negli Stati Uniti" (in The United States).
The Tiber goes through Rome
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Il Tevere attraversa/passa per Roma
The definite article is also used in front of geographical names of RIVERS, MOUNTAINS AND LAKES. It is NOT used with names of CITIES;
We talk of imperial Rome.
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Parliamo della Roma imperiale.
The definite article it is used, if the name of the CITY is modified by an ADJECTIVE (5) or if the article is part of the name (L’avana, Il Cairo, La Paz ecc). In this case should be capitalized.
Angela is a lawyer, Carlo is a teacher.
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Angela fa l'avvocato, Carlo fa l'insegnante.
The definite article is used in front of the names of PROFESSIONS (but it is NOT used when the profession is introduced by the verb "TO BE")
Ludovico is a programmer.
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Ludovico è un programmatore.
The definite article is used in front of the names of PROFESSIONS (but it is NOT used when the profession is introduced by the verb "TO BE")
Please buy bread, pasta, cheese and tomatoes.
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Per favore compra il pane, la pasta, il formaggio e i pomodori.
In Italian the article is used in front of ALL THE NAMES OF A SERIES.
Here are md Rossi and Mr. Bianchi.
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Ecco la dottoressa Rossi e il signor Bianchi.
The article is used in front of PROFESSIONAL TITLES or COURTESY FORMS.
Mr. Martini is your turn
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Signor Martini, tocca a Lei.
It is not used when we talk DIRECTLY TO A PERSON.
Today is the thirtieth
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Oggi è il trenta
In Italian the DATE is expressed by having the CARDINAL NUMBER preceded by the MASCULINE form of the definite ARTICLE;
Tomorrows is the first.
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Domani è il primo.
The FIRST DAY of the month, where an ORDINAL NUMBER (not cardinal like in all other cases) is used, is an EXCEPTION.
We are in the year 2000.
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Siamo nel 2000.
UNLIKE IN ENGLISH in Italian the definite article is used in front of the YEAR.
On Mondays (i.e. every Monday) I go swimming.
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Il lunedì vado a nuotare / in piscina
In Italian the definite article is used in front of the NAME OF THE DAY to indicate a RECURRENT ACTION.
(This) Monday I go to the gym
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Lunedì vado in palestra
It is two o' clock
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Sono le due
UNLIKE IN ENGLISH in Italian TIME is expressed with the definite article, in the FEMININE PLURAL form, in front of the CARDINAL NUMBER.
3% of the population owns 50% of income.
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Il 3% della popolazione possiede il 50% delle entrate.
PERCENTAGES are expressed by CARDINAL NUMBERS, the symbol % and the MASCULINE form of the DEFINITE ARTICLE.
Primary school goes from first to fifth grade.
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La scuola elementare va dalla prima alla quinta elementare.
The LEVELS OF SCHOOL are indicated with ORDINAL NUMBERS preceded by the definite article.

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