Giving directions (wskazówki)

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Jak mogę dostać się do...?
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How can I get to ...?
Czy możesz wskazać mi drogę do...?
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Can/could you tell me the way to ...?
Przepraszam, czy możesz...?
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Excuse me. Can/could you tell me the way to ...?
Musisz iść prosto
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You must go straight on
Musisz skręcić w prawo/lewo
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You must turn right / left
Musisz pojechać autobusem/tramwajem
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You must take a bus / tram
Musisz zapytać kogoś innego
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I don't know. You must ask someone else
Musisz iść prosto tą ulicą
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You must walk along this street
Skręć w pierwszą w lewo, potem drugą w prawo, potem idź prosto
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Take the first left, second right, then straight on
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It's over here / there
Jak daleko to jest?
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How far is it?
Około stu metrów
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About a hundred metres
Nie jestem pewien, ale to niezbyt daleko/dość daleko
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I'm not sure but it isn't very fal/but it is quite far
Idź High Street
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Go along High Street
Skręć w prawo/lewo
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Turn right / left
Skręć w pierwszą ulicę w lewo
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Take the first turning on your left
Idź dalej
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Keep going

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