Give away five pounds

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badania (naukowe)
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I've done some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there.
wydawać pieniądze na coś / kogoś
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to spend money ON sth / sb
Spend it ON someone else.
Spend it ON yourself.
mierzyć coś
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to measure sth
A nurse visited country schools to weigh and measure children. (NiV)
They measured how happy that made them.
oddać coś za darmo
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to give sth away
zachować coś dla kogoś / zatrzymać coś dla kogoś
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to keep something for somebody
Please keep a seat for me. (NiV)
The man in the shop said he'd keep it for me until Friday. (NiV)
a potem
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and then
do not confuse THAN with THEN
w drugiej części eksperymentu
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in the second part of the experiment
odkryć coś
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to find sth
They found that...
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a moral
The moral of the story is always stick to what you do best. (NiV)
The moral of this...
małe kwoty
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small amounts
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instead of
Instead of giving away a hundred pounds give away 5 pounds.
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do not confuse THAN with THEN
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a pound

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