Get/ Put (phrasal verbs)

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Domanda English Risposta English
What are you getting at?
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suggest, imply
get by on very little money
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manage, survive
Do not get round him. He will never change his mind.
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to persuade
I am suprise he got away with...
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to escape panishment
I didn't get round to answer your letter
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to find time for
I couldn't get through the line
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to make contact with
get out of doing heavy work...
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to avoid
put down to /attribute to /
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I put it down to overwork.
put up / provide accomodation
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If my sister can put me up, I will safe the cost of a hotel.
put forword
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At the meeting someone put forword an idea
put across (the importance) communicate
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This lecture wasn't put across very well by the lecture.
put out/ incovenience
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I don't like to put you out.
put about rumors/ circulate information
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She put it about that she was leaving the company.
put off a decision/
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put off a trip
put off / discourage
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Don't let me put you off going to see the film...
put on/ pretend
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he limped a bit, but he was only putting it on to get our sympathy.

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