Gerund and Infinitive

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Adoro fare lunghe passeggiate la sera. (ADORE)
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I adore going for long walks in the evening. (GERUND)
Non possono permettersi di comprare una macchina nuova adesso. (AFFORD)
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They can’t afford to buy a new car right now. (INFINITIVE)
Aggiungi il sale dopo aver mescolato la farina. (AFTER)
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Add the salt after mixing in the flour. (GERUND)
Abbiamo deciso di incontrarci alle 19:00. (AGREE)
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We agreed to meet at 7 PM. (INFINITIVE)
Ci hanno permesso di partire presto. (ALLOW)
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They allowed us to leave early. (INFINITIVE)
Apprezzo molto lavorare con un team così fantastico. (APPRECIATE)
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I really appreciate working with such a great team. (GERUND)
Mi ha chiesto di aiutarla a portare le borse. (ASK)
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She asked me to help her carry the bags. (INFINITIVE)
Hanno chiesto di non disturbarli durante la riunione. (ASK... NOT)
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They asked not to disturb them during the meeting. (INFINITIVE)
Ha cercato di risolvere il puzzle senza aiuto. (ATTEMPT)
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He attempted to solve the puzzle without any help. (INFINITIVE)
È abituato a svegliarsi presto ogni giorno. (BE ACCUSTOMED TO)
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He’s accustomed to waking up early every day. (GERUND)
Ha paura di volare da sola. (BE AFRAID OF)
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She’s afraid of flying alone. (GERUND)
È capace di finire il progetto da sola. (BE CAPABLE OF)
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She’s capable of finishing the project on her own. (GERUND)
È interessato a imparare il francese. (BE INTERESTED IN)
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He is interested in learning French. (GERUND)
Non vediamo l'ora di incontrarti. (BE LOOKING FORWARD TO)
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We are looking forward to meeting you. (GERUND)
Sono abituato a svegliarmi presto. (BE USED TO)
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I am used to getting up early. (GERUND)
Spegni la luce prima di uscire. (BEFORE)
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Turn off the light before going out. (GERUND)
Puoi andare alla festa se finisci i compiti. (CAN)
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You can go to the party if you finish your homework. (BASE FORM)
Non sopporto ascoltare la musica ad alto volume. (CAN'T STAND)
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I can't stand listening to loud music. (GERUND)
Non gli importa pulire la sua stanza. (CAN’T BE BOTHERED)
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He can’t be bothered to clean his room. (INFINITIVE)
Mi ha sorpreso studiare fino a tardi ieri sera. (CATCH)
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She caught me studying late last night. (GERUND)
Hanno affermato di aver visto il film ieri sera. (CLAIM)
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They claimed to have seen the movie last night. (INFINITIVE)
Ha continuato a lavorare sul progetto nonostante le distrazioni. (CONTINUE)
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He continued working on the project despite the distractions. (GERUND)
L'ho convinta a unirsi al team. (CONVINCE)
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I convinced her to join the team. (INFINITIVE)
Potrebbe venire alla festa se è libero. (COULD)
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He could come to the party if he’s free. (BASE FORM)
Ho deciso di unirmi al nuovo corso di yoga. (DECIDE)
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I decided to join the new yoga class. (INFINITIVE)
Ho deciso di non andare all'evento stasera. (DECIDE NOT)
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I decided not to go to the event tonight. (INFINITIVE)
Hanno rimandato il prendere la decisione fino alla prossima settimana. (DELAY)
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They delayed making the decision until next week. (GERUND)
Disprezza aspettare nel traffico. (DESPISE)
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She despises waiting in traffic. (GERUND)
Non mi piace fare la burocrazia. (DISLIKE)
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I dislike doing paperwork. (GERUND)
Non gli dispiace aspettare in fila. (DON’T MIND)
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He doesn’t mind waiting in line. (GERUND)
Sogna di diventare una scrittrice di successo. (DREAM OF)
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She dreams of becoming a successful author. (GERUND)
Hanno finito per comprare una macchina nuova invece. (END UP)
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They ended up buying a new car instead. (GERUND)
Gli piace giocare a calcio nel fine settimana. (ENJOY)
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He enjoys playing soccer on weekends. (GERUND)
Si aspetta di ricevere presto l'offerta di lavoro. (EXPECT)
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She expects to get the job offer soon. (INFINITIVE)
Ci aspettavamo che arrivasse in orario. (EXPECT)
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We expected him to arrive on time. (INFINITIVE)
Non è riuscita a completare il compito in tempo. (FAIL)
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She failed to complete the task on time. (INFINITIVE)
Ti va di uscire a cena stasera? (FANCY)
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Do you fancy going out for dinner tonight? (GERUND)
Ha sentito il suo tocco sulla spalla. (FEEL)
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He felt her touch on his shoulder. (GERUND)
L'ho trovata che lavorava in cucina. (FIND)
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I found her working in the kitchen. (GERUND)
Ho finito di leggere il libro ieri sera. (FINISH)
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I finished reading the book last night. (GERUND)
Si sono concentrati sul migliorare il servizio clienti. (FOCUS ON)
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They focused on improving customer service. (GERUND)
Lo hanno costretto a dimettersi dalla sua posizione. (FORCE)
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They forced him to resign from his position. (INFINITIVE)
Ho dimenticato di aver portato il mio quaderno a lezione. (FORGET)
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I forgot bringing my notebook to class. (GERUND)
Ho dimenticato di portare il mio quaderno a lezione. (FORGET)
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I forgot to bring my notebook to class. (INFINITIVE)
L'ho fatta firmare il contratto. (GET)
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I got her to sign the contract. (INFINITIVE)
Ha continuato a parlare per ore della sua vacanza. (GO ON)
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She went on talking for hours about her vacation. (GERUND)
Sono bravo a cantare. (GOOD AT)
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I am good at singing. (GERUND)
Odio svegliarmi presto la mattina. (HATE)
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I hate getting up early in the morning. (GERUND)
Li abbiamo sentiti cantare nel parco. (HEAR)
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We heard them singing in the park. (GERUND)
Puoi aiutarla a portare queste scatole? (HELP)
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Can you help her carry these boxes? (BASE FORM)
Speriamo di vederti alla festa domani. (HOPE)
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We hope to see you at the party tomorrow. (INFINITIVE)
Ha insistito per pagare il pasto. (INSIST ON)
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He insisted on paying for the meal. (GERUND)
Ho trovato un lavoro invece di andare all'università. (INSTEAD OF)
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I got a job instead of going to college. (GERUND)
Continua a interrompermi mentre parlo. (KEEP)
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She keeps interrupting me while I’m talking. (GERUND)
Mi ha lasciato usare il suo telefono. (LET)
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She let me use her phone. (BASE FORM)
Non vediamo l'ora di sentirti presto. (LOOK FORWARD TO)
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We look forward to hearing from you soon. (GERUND)
Adoriamo fare escursioni in montagna durante le vacanze. (LOVE)
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We love hiking in the mountains during the holidays. (GERUND)
Li ha fatti ridere con la sua battuta. (MAKE)
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He made them laugh with his joke. (BASE FORM)
È riuscita a finire il lavoro nonostante gli ostacoli. (MANAGE)
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She managed to finish the work despite the obstacles. (INFINITIVE)
Puoi andare via presto oggi. (MAY)
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You may leave early today. (BASE FORM)
Non volevo ferire i tuoi sentimenti. (MEAN)
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I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. (INFINITIVE)
Potremmo andare a fare una passeggiata dopo cena. (MIGHT)
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We might go for a walk after dinner. (BASE FORM)
Poiché siamo già qui, potremmo anche visitare il museo. (MIGHT AS WELL)
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Since we're already here, we might as well check out the museum. (BASE FORM)
Devi finire questo compito entro domani. (MUST)
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You must finish this assignment by tomorrow. (BASE FORM)
Ho bisogno di finire questo rapporto entro le 15:00. (NEED)
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I need to finish this report by 3 PM. (INFINITIVE)
L'insegnante ha avuto bisogno che gli studenti consegnassero i loro saggi (NEED)
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The teacher needed the students to submit their essays. (INFINITIVE)
L'ho notato in piedi vicino alla porta. (NOTICE)
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I noticed him standing by the door. (GERUND)
Ha osservato i bambini giocare fuori. (OBSERVE)
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He observed the children playing outside. (GERUND)
Mi ha offerto di prendermi in aeroporto. (OFFER)
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She offered to pick me up from the airport. (INFINITIVE)
Abbiamo intenzione di viaggiare all'estero la prossima estate. (PLAN)
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We plan to travel abroad next summer. (INFINITIVE)
Hanno rimandato la partenza per le vacanze a causa della pandemia. (POSTPONE)
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They postponed going on their holiday due to the pandemic. (GERUND)
Ha finto di essere malato per saltare la scuola. (PRETEND)
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He pretended to be sick so he could skip school. (INFINITIVE)
Hanno promesso di aiutarmi con il mio progetto. (PROMISE)
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They promised to help me with my project. (INFINITIVE)
Ha rifiutato di partecipare alla riunione. (REFUSE)
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He refused to participate in the meeting. (INFINITIVE)
Ricordo di averla chiamata ieri. (REMEMBER)
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I remember calling her yesterday. (GERUND)
Ricordo di chiamare mia mamma. (REMEMBER)
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I remember to call my mum (INFINITIVE)
L'ho visto uscire dal ristorante. (SEE)
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I saw him leaving the restaurant. (GERUND)
Sembra che stia piovendo fuori. (SEEM)
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It seems to be raining outside. (INFINITIVE)
Ci incontreremo all'ingresso alle 20:00. (SHALL)
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We shall meet at the entrance at 8 PM. (BASE FORM)
Dobbiamo andare ora. (SHOULD)
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We should go now. (BASE FORM)
Trascorro un'ora correndo ogni giorno. (SPEND)
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I spend an hour running every day. (GERUND)
Lei trascorre il suo tempo libero dipingendo. (SPEND)
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She spends her free time painting. (GERUND)
Abbiamo iniziato a preparare la cena presto. (START)
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We started preparing dinner early. (GERUND)
Ha smesso di parlare quando l'insegnante è entrato in aula. (STOP)
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He stopped talking when the teacher entered the room. (GERUND)
Ho smesso di bere il caffè dopo le 15:00. (STOP)
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I stopped having coffee after 3 PM. (GERUND)
Mi sono fermato per bere un caffè. (STOP)
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I stopped to have a coffee. (INFINITIVE)
Suggerisco di prendere un altro approccio. (SUGGEST)
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I suggest taking a different approach. (GERUND)
Ha preso un momento per raccogliere i suoi pensieri. (TAKE)
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He took a moment to gather his thoughts. (INFINITIVE)
Ho detto loro di chiamarmi quando arrivano. (TELL)
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I told them to call me when they arrive. (INFINITIVE)
Gli ho detto di non parlare così forte. (TELL... NOT)
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I told him not to speak so loudly. (INFINITIVE)
Tendo a svegliarmi presto nei fine settimana. (TEND)
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I tend to get up early on weekends. (INFINITIVE)
Penso di visitare Parigi ogni estate. (THINK OF)
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I think of visiting Paris every summer. (GERUND)
Cerco di fare esercizio ogni giorno. (TRY)
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I try to exercise every day. (INFINITIVE)
Cerca di non mangiare troppo zucchero. (TRY NOT)
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He tries not to eat too much sugar. (INFINITIVE)
Ero abituato a svegliarmi presto. (USED TO)
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I used to get up early. (BASE FORM)
Voleva che andassi con lui al concerto. (WANT)
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He wanted me to go with him to the concert. (INFINITIVE)
Voglio andare in palestra dopo il lavoro. (WANT)
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I want to go to the gym after work. (INFINITIVE)
Ho visto il mio amico ballare alla festa. (WATCH)
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I watched my friend dancing at the party (GERUND)
Ti chiamerà quando sarà a casa. (WILL)
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She will call you once she's home. (BASE FORM)
Desidero fare una pausa dal lavoro. (WISH)
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I wish to take a break from work. (INFINITIVE)
È partito senza dire addio. (WITHOUT)
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He left without saying goodbye. (GERUND)
Mi preoccupo di trovare un lavoro dopo la laurea. (WORRY ABOUT)
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I worry about getting a job after graduation. (GERUND)
Arrivava sempre presto a lezione. (WOULD)
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She would always arrive early to class. (BASE FORM)
Odierebbe essere lui a dare la brutta notizia. (WOULD HATE)
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He would hate to be the one to give the bad news. (INFINITIVE)
Vorrei ordinare una pizza per cena. (WOULD LIKE)
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I would like to order a pizza for dinner. (INFINITIVE)
Le piacerebbe visitare il Giappone un giorno. (WOULD LOVE)
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She would love to visit Japan one day. (INFINITIVE)
Ti dispiace parlare più piano? (WOULD MIND)
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Would you mind talking quieter? (GERUND)
Preferirebbero lavorare da casa domani. (WOULD PREFER)
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They would prefer to work from home tomorrow. (INFINITIVE)
Preferirei restare a casa invece di uscire stasera. (WOULD RATHER)
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I would rather stay at home than go out tonight. (BASE FORM)
Preferirei non aspettare nelle lunghe code. (WOULD RATHER NOT)
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I would rather not wait in long lines. (BASE FORM)

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