General rules

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Co dodajemy przed negacją słówka na literę 'p' lub 'm'?
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impractical, impolite, immoral
Co dodajemy przed negacją słówka na literę 'l'?
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illegal, illogical
Co dodajemy przed negacją słówka na literę 'r'?
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irregular, irrelevant
has been to
He has been to Berlin.
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He has gone and come back.
has been in
He has been in Buenos Aires for a year.
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He lives there.
has gone to
He has gone to Toledo.
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He hasn't come back yet.
will vs going to
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Use will when you make a decision in the moment of saying
Use going when you've already thought about it in the past.
Future Perfect
by/before vs until
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by/before in positive sentences and until in negative
She will have cleaned the house by 6. She won't have cleaned the house until 6.

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Prefixes with meanings

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