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Jak się masz?
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How are you? How have you been? How are you feeling?
Nie źle!
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Not bad!
Bywało lepiej
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I've been better
Ile on/ona ma lat? How old are you?
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How old is he / she? How old are you?
Miło cię poznać
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Nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you.
Miło się z tobą rozmawiało
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It was nice talking to you
Dbaj o siebie
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Take care
Na razie!
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Bye for now!
Obawiam się, że muszę już iść
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I'm afraid I have to go now
Czy mógłbyś to powtórzyć?
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Could you repeat that/it?
Czy mógłbyś powiedzieć to jeszcze raz?
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Could you say that again?
Jak on wygląda?
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How does he look like?
Jaki on jest?
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What is he like?
Ona wygląda jak...
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She looks like...
Ona jest typem osoby która...
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She's the kind of person who...
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?/How much are they?
Proszę (Gdy coś podajemy)
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Here you are
Nie ma za co
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You're welcome
Trzymam kciuki!
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Fingers crossed!
Bawcie się dobrze!
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Enjoy yourselves!
Gratuluję zdobycia prawa jazdy!/wygrania nagrody!
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Congratulations on getting your licence!/winning the award!
Powodzenia w nowej pracy!
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Good luck in new career!
Czy jest tutaj jakiś park?
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Is there a park near here?
Jakiego koloru jest twój/twoja...?
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What color is your ...?
To co naprawę nie podoba mi się w moim pokoju to...
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What I don't really like about my room is...
Co myślisz/sądzisz?
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What do you think about/of...
Osobiście uważam, że...
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Personally, I think (that)...

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