Fundrasing campaigns - Covid19

 0    12 schede    marianolinski
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Domanda Risposta
złagodzić społeczno-ekonomiczne skutek wirusa
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to mitigate the socio-economic impact of the virus
wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne motywacje darczynców
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intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of donors
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potężny wybuch nowego zakaźnego koronawirusa
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the formidable outbreak of a novel contagious coronavirus
wzrost zwolnień
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increase in layoffs
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praca emigrantów
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expatriate labor
przerwanie pracy
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work cessation
Dlatego przypuszcza się
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It is therefore surmised
bardziej korzystne
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the more favorable
przekonania dotyczące postaw
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the attitudinal beliefs
testowalne hipotezy
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testable hypotheses

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