Fun facts about Ukraine

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The Ukrainian president - Volodymyr Zelenskiy is a comedian. He was playing the character of the Ukrainian president in the series "Sluga Narodu" or "Servant of the People".
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The famous "O Sole Mio" was composed in Ukraine.
Traditional clothes
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The traditional costume in Ukraine is called vyshyvanka. It is ornamented with floral details and worn on celebrations.
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Besides the Ukrainian vodka - "horilka", people prepare a non-alcoholic drink called "compot", which is made of boiled fruits with sugar.
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Ivana Kupala Day is a traditional holiday when couples jump over fire in order to test their love.
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Two of the world's most successful heavyweight boxers - Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko, come from Ukraine.
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The global linguistic conference, that took place in Paris in 1934, named Ukrainian the second most melodic language in the world.
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The first constitution in the world was introduced in 1710 in Ukraine.
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The song "Carol of the Bells" is a version of the Ukrainian "Schedryk".
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The deepest metro station in the world is the Arsenalna station in Kyiv.
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Lviv is not only a beautiful city but also home to over 1500 cafes.
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The most visited McDonald's in the world is located in Kyiv and receives over 2 million orders in a year.
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The capital of the country - Kyiv has a history of over 1400 years. Its name comes from Kyi, the eldest brother of the family who founded the city.

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