Friends Video 3 Bonus 3.

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Domanda English Risposta English
Her eyes narrowed and her jaw clenched.—— Clench.
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Apretar, tensar fuertemente. to hold something very firmly, especially because you are frightened, worried, or angry.
They clenched my arms and started pulling.——Clench.
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Apretar, tensar. to hold something very firmly, especially because you are frightened, worried, or angry.
They endeared themselves to the whole town. ———-Endear.
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Darse a querer, ganarse la simpatia de. to cause (someone) to be loved or admired by (someone or something).

Daughter, you didn't exactly endear yourself to my wife by telling her she’s fat.———-Endear.
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Darse a querer, ganarse la simpatia de. to cause (someone) to be loved or admired by (someone or something).

The baby had an endearing laugh.——Endearing.
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Adorable. making people like you.
charming, lovable, endearing, cute....... Perla’s poppy is really (BLANK).
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charming, lovable, endearing, cute...... in inglese
making people like you.
Perla’s poppy is really ENDEARING.
There was a tiny flaw in the diamond.—-flaw.
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Defecto. a mistake or fault in something that makes it useless or less effective.
Hey Monica, I got a question. I don't see any tarter tots........ Tarter tots.
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Bolitas de papa. Fried grater potatoes. (almost in a shape of a ball).

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