Friends s01e01

 0    21 schede    arturmalagowski
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a hump
The car hit a hump in the road and swerved.
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garb, wybrzuszenie
a hairpiece
He went on vacation with a hairpiece, and returned from vacation without a hairpiece.
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The teacher handed her a piece of chalk and asked her to write the answer on the chalkboard.
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a small intestine
The small intestine is of great length (80 to 90 ft.).
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jelito cienkie
a gravy boat
Then I reached under my pillow and took out the gravy boat.
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a mitten
Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.
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rękawica z jednym palcem
a sleigh
She cried on the reindeer sleigh ride.
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to buzz
Ring the bell when you arrive and someone will buzz you into the building.
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spowodować otwarcie bramy
Brackets are typically used to explain or clarify the original text by an editor.
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My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.
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w ogóle, jakkolwiek, cokolwiek
a bookcase
A bookcase containing a dozen baseball trophies highlighted the far wall of the small room.
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to be a mess
He's such a mess
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nie radzić sobie
You can get them with jimmies or nuts or whipped cream
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posypka do lodów
whipped cream
You can get them with jimmies or nuts or whipped cream
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bita śmietana
to walk out on somebody
He walked out on his wife and kids.
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odejść od kogoś opuścić kogoś
to take credit for something
I can't take credit for the entire success.
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przypisać sobie zasługę
a snap
He broke off the twig with a snap.
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His voice held an upbeat note and natural warmth that she liked.
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to live off somebody
You can't live off your parents your whole life.
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żyć z kogoś
to crush
They crush the olives with a heavy wooden press.
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a vulnerability
The signs of our vulnerability have always been there.
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podatność, wrażliwość

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