
 0    19 schede    karolinadomagala06
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Domanda Risposta
to run out of
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to be short/ zabraknąć
to turn up
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to come/to arrive/ pojawiać się
to be up to
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to decide about/ zadecydować
to look into
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to investigate/ przeprowadzić śledztwo
to go off
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to explode- wybuchać (e.g. a bomb)/ to go bad- zepsuć się (e. g. food)
to be on
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to show in a repertoire (e.g. cinema/ theatre etc.)/ być wyświetlane
to come (a) round/ to regain conscioushess
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to regain conscioushess/ odzyskać przytomność
to give off
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to release/ to produce/ uwalniać/ produkować
to try out
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to test / to check/ sprawdzić
to call off
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to cancel/ odwołać
to go in for
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to enter/ to participate/ uczestniczyć/ wejść
to look after
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to take care of/ opiekować się/ zajmować się
to come up with
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to have an idea/ to think of an idea /wymyślić
to take after
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to resemble/to look similar/ przypominać/ wyglądać podobnie
to get over
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to recover after sth/ dojść do siebie po czymś
to hold up
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to delay/ opóźniać
to come into
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to inherit/ odziedziczyć
to bring out
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to publish/ opublikować
to look up to
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to admire/ podziwiać

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