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wziąć udział
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take part
Three hundred students took part in the swimming competition last year.
kończyć się
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run out of
I run out of - skończyły mi się
Oil supplies in this area will run out by the year 2031
upływać (np. o czasie)/przechodzić obok
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go by
After several years had gone by, Bob saw his uncle again.
przydałoby mi się coś
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can do with
I could have done with a cup of coffee this morning but I didn't have time for one.
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put up with
I have no intention of putting up with this untideness any longer.
pomimo czegoś
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in spite of
In spite of + ing, tylko wtedy kiedy druga część odnosi się do tej samej osoby; in spite of = despite
We went for a walk in spite of the rain yesterday.
na pewno będzie
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it is bound to be
Na 100%
It is bound to be raining tomorrow.
kłócić się z kimś
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fall out with
My sister and I haven't fallen out for ages.
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go down with
Can you tell me if John has gone down with a cold?
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Bez żadnego was
I found the film boring last night.
stawić czoła
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come up against
The problem we came up against was a serious one.
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look forward to
look forward to + ing
I am looking forward to seeing the sights in London.
polepszyć się
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pick up
The tourist trade has picked up noticeably since last month.
powinno się coś
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ought to
ought = should, oughtn't
All the world's languages ought to be preserved by governments.
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do harm
Physical exercise won't do you any harm if you are careful.
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turn down
You shouldn't have turned down the offer of that job.
opiekować się
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take care of
Wydaje się, że
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appear to
appear to + bezokolicznik
The cost of living appears to be rising again.
nie dojść do skutku/nie udawać się
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fall through
Susan's plans to work abroad have fallen through unfortunately.
zniechęcić kogoś
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put sb off
I hope Sandra didn't put you off going to the concert.
założyć (firmę)
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set up
The company was set up by the owner in 2001.
niepotrzebnie coś zrobić
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needn't have done
We needn't have booked seats because there was plenty of room.
się zdecydować
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make up your mind
Paul finds it difficult to make up his mind what to do.
opóźniony lot
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set back
The building project was set back for several weeks by the bad weather.
zabrać się za coś
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get round to
I never get round to tidying my desk.
poczuć się jak w domu
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make yourself at home
połączyć telefonicznie
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put through
Could you put me through to the managing director's extension number?
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come up with
Was it Paul who came up with the idea of going to the cinema?
mieć dość
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get fed up with
I am beggining to get fed up with watching television.
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get down
Bad weather really gets me down in the winter.
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held up
My flight to Moscow was held up by fog this morning.
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take back
Don't forget to take back the videos you have rented.
zmienić zdanie
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change your mind
nie ma wątpliwości
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no doubt about it
There was no doubt in the minds of the children that the film would be fantastic.
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bring up
bring up = mention
Can you tell me if anyone brought up the subject of the school trip?

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