franek 23rd May (30 min)

 0    18 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Domanda Risposta
najlepszy moment dnia
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the highlight of my day
to był najnudniejszy film na świecie
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it was THE MOST boring film in the world
Poszliśmy do Centrum Kopernika.
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We went TO Copernicus Centre.
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an apple pie
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chicken soup
Wróciliśmy do domu o 9.
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We came back home at 9.
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I was absolutely exhausted.
Umyłem się.
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I washed myself.
Umyłem zęby.
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I brushED my teeth / I cleanED my teeth
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It's the 15th of February.
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It's the 2nd of April.
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It's the 10th of December.
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Moje urodziny są dwudziestego piątego lipca.
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My birthday is ON the 25th of July.
Moja mama nie pozwala mi jeść słodyczy codziennie.
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My mum doesn't LET me eat sweets every day.
Wczoraj mama pozwoliła mi zjeść słodycze.
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Yesterday my mum let me eat sweets.
Wczoraj mój tata nie pozwolił mi obejrzeć tego filmu.
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Yesterday my dad didn't let me watch this film.
Czy twoja mama pozwoliła ci zjeść loda wczoraj?
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Did your mum let you eat an ice-cream yesterday?

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