Focus magazine 2

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Domanda Risposta
the suburb
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der Vorort
the turnstile
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das Drehkreuz
the patience
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die Geduld
the advertising column
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die Litfaßsäule
the bobble cap
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die Pudelmütze
the term / item
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der Begriff
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the screen (projector)
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die Leinwand
the influence
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der Einfluss
the recyclable material
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der Wertstoff
the owl
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die Eule
the radish
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der Rettich
the apron
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die Schürze
the relation
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die Verwandte
the cobblestone
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der Kopfstein
the cobbled surface
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das Kopfsteinpflaster
to echo
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the echo
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der Hall
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to point something somewhere
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the street of houses
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der Straßenzug
the demolition
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der Abriss
as far as possible
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soweit noch möglich
the roller blind
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das Rollo
the brick
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der Ziegel
the use
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der Gebrauch
the focal length
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die Brennweite
the gable
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der Giebel
the wasteland
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die Brache
forever / finally
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