FOCUS 3 / unit 2 phrasal verbs

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Domanda Risposta
spalić coś (np. kalorie)
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burn sth off
dopingowac kogoś
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cheer sb on
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drop out of
dostać się do
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get to
wziąć udział w
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go in for
zawieść kogoś
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let sb down
trenować, ćwiczyć
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work out
gonić za
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chase after
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speed up
poddać się, rzucić coś
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give sth up
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look up to
Most students look up to this teacher.
zniechęcić kogoś
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put sb off
być podobnym do, wdać się w
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take after
He takes after his father.
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try out
opadać na coś / upaść
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fall over sth
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hand over

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