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Zrzekać się, wyrzekać, wypowiadać/zrywać (umowę) inizia ad imparare
Relinquish something to somebody, give up a right to sth
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The king bestowed a title upon him
Modlił się o wybawienie z niewoli. inizia ad imparare
He prayed for deliverance from captivity.
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He endowed the church with a new bell tower.
wymierzać, zadawać (np. karę, ból), wyrządzać (np. krzywdę) inizia ad imparare
self-inflicted pain on sb
Dlaczego niepoważnie traktujesz sprawy, które są dla mnie ważne? inizia ad imparare
Why do you act flippantly about things that are important to me?
Ten chłopec dręczy inne dzieci w szkole. inizia ad imparare
This boy always torments other children at school.
dręczyć, dokuczać (np. problem, zmartwienie) Problem dręczył mnie przez tygodnie. inizia ad imparare
This issue has been nagging me for weeks.
błagać, poprosić, prosić usilnie Prosimy Cię w imieniu Pana. inizia ad imparare
We beseech you on behalf of Christ.
Słyszałam, że trędowata dziewczyna jest najpiękniejsza, kiedy jej choroba dopiero rozkwita. inizia ad imparare
I heard a leper girl is most pretty when her sickness first flares up.
Prosił ją latami o miłość. inizia ad imparare
He has implored her for years to make a love story.
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To say I was flummoxed is to put it mildly.
Mój ojciec był wściekły i warknął na nas. inizia ad imparare
My dad was really angry so he snapped at us
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She shrugged her shoulders, but I thought she was annoyed.
prowokujący (o zachowaniu), wyzywający (o spojrzeniu), nieposłuszny (o osobie Czy to wygląda wyzywająco? inizia ad imparare
gwałtownie, gorąco, żarliwie Modliła się żarliwie o powrót córki. inizia ad imparare
She was praying vehemently for her daughter's return.
wygłaszać (mądrości), rozgadywać (się) Mój ojciec ma tendencję do wygłaszania mądrości o polityce. inizia ad imparare
My father has a tendency to spout about politics.
odcinać się, odparować, ripostować (w rozmowie), riposta inizia ad imparare
retort (in conversation), retort
zanikać, zamilknąć (np. głos) inizia ad imparare
Dostałem list od ojca, w którym się mnie wyrzekł. inizia ad imparare
I got a letter from my father completely disowning me.
dylemat, kłopot, trudne położenie inizia ad imparare
I'm not sure how we found ourselves in this predicament.
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Her heart ached whenever she thought about him.
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wyraźny, ewidentny, wyczuwalny, namacalny wyraźny, ewidentny, wyczuwalny, namacalny Kiedy w końcu usiadła, jej napięcie było wyraźne. inizia ad imparare
But when she finally sat down, her tension was palpable.
Dokonali gwałtownej zmiany planów. inizia ad imparare
They made an abrupt change of plan.
nieprawdopodobny, mało prawdopodobny To wysoce nierawdopodobne. inizia ad imparare
It is exceedingly improbable.
niepomyślny, niezbyt obiecujący, złowieszczy, złowróżbny, niefortunny Przejął agencję z krótką ale nieobiecującą historią. inizia ad imparare
He took over an agency with a short, but inauspicious, history.
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You see, Frank is quite impetuous, like his father.
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bratobójcza, wyniszczająca inizia ad imparare
Finally, history has shown us that, in internecine conflicts such as in the DRC, a political solution is the only hope for peace.
epistoła, list apostolski inizia ad imparare
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He was just such a stalwart and picturesque child of nature, just such a fearless and daring preacher of righteousness.
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She hit the ground hard, but never uttered a sound. This is what saddens us, this utter refusal to understand.
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In a bowl sift the flour and form a volcano.
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naradzać się, przyznawać coś komuś Aby takie gwarancje zostały uznane za pomoc, muszą przyznawać ich beneficjentowi korzyść. inizia ad imparare
For such guarantees to constitute aid, they must confer an advantage upon the recipient
opuszczony, złudna (np. nadzieja) inizia ad imparare
Once I was happy but now I'm forlorn
Mamo, on mnie przedrzeźnia! inizia ad imparare
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I was filled with remorse
odbić się od czegoś (piłka, światło) Światło odbiło się od tafli jeziora. inizia ad imparare
The light glanced off the surface of the lake.
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Boję się obdarzyć następną dziewczynę miłością. inizia ad imparare
I am afraid of gifting another girl with my love.
Cierpiała na skutek wrodzonej choroby skóry. inizia ad imparare
She suffered as a result of a congenital skin defect.
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Mój wujek zadłużył się na 100000. inizia ad imparare
My uncle ran up a 100000 debt.
Zmarł i nie zapłacił długów. inizia ad imparare
He died and did not pay up the debt.
Miejcie litość nad moją przeponą! inizia ad imparare
Have mercy on my midriff!
Dach lecznicy pokryty jest szronem. inizia ad imparare
The roof of the health center is covered with hoarfrost.
To potworna forma tortury psychicznej. inizia ad imparare
This is an excruciating form of mental torture.
Zajęło mi trochę czasu, aby uświadomić sobie, że ich intencją, poza poniżeniem, było mnie sprzedać. inizia ad imparare
It took some time for me to realise that their intention, besides our debasement and humiliation, was to trade me
Była iskierka nadzei w jego oczach. inizia ad imparare
There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
Konsekwencja, rozwidlenie Konsekwencja tej fundamentalnej różnicy jest oczywista i widoczna na całym świecie. inizia ad imparare
The ramification of this fundamental difference is obvious and evident worldwide.
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Skonsumować, spełniać (np. małżeństwo, umowę)) inizia ad imparare
One can still find Muslims who deny that Muhammad married Aisha when she was six and consummated the marriage with she was nine.
nie brać pod uwagę, wykluczać inizia ad imparare
Leaving Zaynab out of the equation, we find that Muhammad's other wives died when they were between 51 and 84 years old.
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There were some cones laying on the ground in the forest.
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If you plant this acorn, it will grow into an oak.
kasztan (drzewo i orzech) inizia ad imparare
We would go to the park and collect chestnuts.
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Small gestures like these open the door for conversation,
postawa, postępowanie, zachowanie (się), aparycja inizia ad imparare
With his serious demeanour, many took him to be much older.
Zmniejsza opuchliznę i pomaga na zobolałe mięśnie i co tam jeszcze. inizia ad imparare
Reduces swelling, helps relieve muscle sores and whatnot.
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Mr. Hindley is beginning to whine and stutter.
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The wolves howl to the moon.
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We must keep trying to find a way through the maze.
osobliwość, ciekawostka, unikat (o przedmiocie) inizia ad imparare
Night Market is a maze of delicious food, shops filled with curio, and bright lights.
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These visionary buildings perpetuate an ancient model of parish space that is in harmony with the surrounding landscape.
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A gazelle leaps across the plains. They are one of the world's fastest land animals, able to hit speeds of 55 miles per hour. They need to be fast: they're a favourite prey of cheetahs.
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Jaskółka, połykać / obrzęk inizia ad imparare
Swallowing, swallowing / swelling Swallows built a nest under the roof of my house.
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The outer part of the vagina contains many nerve endings
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My mother died of an ovary cancer.
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Women have more bladder problems than men.
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When you go to the toilet and urinate, you clean your urethra from any bacteria.
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He struck a match and held it to the wick.
Zauroczyć, zahipnotyzować inizia ad imparare
She has mesmerised me, I can not resist her charm.
łagodny (smak, ton, charakter), inizia ad imparare
I have felt very mellow towards her and even a little protective.
Rzucać, podrzucać, np. monetę, mieć coś w dupie inizia ad imparare
Toss A Coin To Your Witcher.
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She gave him a resentful look, but got up and walked off.
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As you stroll down the streets you are greeted by the shopkeepers, some are courteous and nice.
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You see the people from affluent backgrounds in the fancy part of the city hobnobbing and buying this and that and eating at the expensive restaurants.
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She comes from a very affluent environment. Her mom is a laboratory worker.
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The far left is on the rise, emboldened by a prime minister who has divided our communities.
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One scoop of mashed potatoes for me, please.
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In our fluctuations of feeling, it is well to remember that Jesus admits no change in His affections
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They also espoused a love of speed, technology, and violence.
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One room will suffice for us.
Nieszczęście, dolegliwość, inizia ad imparare
I have something that can help you with your affliction
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And must all countries come to resemble the American system?
błogosławieństwo, błogość, inizia ad imparare
This beatitude comes in terror, and with shocks to the mind of the receiver.
efektywny, skuteczny, wydajny inizia ad imparare
The clever placement of news is much more efficacious than advertising.
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City officials said the decision was not based on merit but money.
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On March 21, the police said they had found drug residue in his car.
Ćwiartować, dawać zakwaterowanie, inizia ad imparare
She asked him to quarter the tomatoes. The pilgrims were quartered in a hostel.
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It seemed like only a matter of time before he succumbed.
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They started a war against his yoke.
powierzyć się, zwierzyć się komuś inizia ad imparare
I do not know that she has ever confided in anyone.
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Mm, and she's got the audacity to have a go at other people.
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Angels are commonly depicted wearing a halo over their heads,
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He wanted to avenge his brother's death.
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zastanawiać się, rozmyślać inizia ad imparare
The situation led me to ponder some of life's big questions.
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I could also see a holster with a gun in it.
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A wounded soldier bellowed in pain.
wypatroszyć (dosł. usunąć jelita) inizia ad imparare
pożerać (jedzenie, książki) inizia ad imparare
My grandmother devours five mystery books each week.
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He tried to dissuade me from jumping off the cliff.
surowo zganić, poddać surowej krytyce, skarcić inizia ad imparare
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And if you do not do well, sin is lurking at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it.
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Like the breast of a dove, her arms were soft.
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gwarantowany ale również uzasadniony inizia ad imparare