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przystanek autobusowy
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a bus stop
Przystanek jest po drugiej stronie ulicy
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The bus stop is on the other side of the street
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a suitcase
hce pani zaważyć bagaż?
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Do you want to weigh your luggage?
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Po Europie można podróżować bez paszportu.
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You can travel around Europe without your passport.
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lose - lost - lost
Bill zgubił dowód osobisty na lotnisku.
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Bill lost his I.D. at the airport.
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to walk
Wieczorami spacerujemy wzdłuż Tamizy.
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In the evenings we walk along the Thames.
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to book
Chciałbym zarezerwować pokój dla dwóch osób na 4 lipca.
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I would like to book a double room for the fourth of July.

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