Kupiłam sukienkę w przystępnej cenie. inizia ad imparare
Slider Revolution is super affordable, I bought a dress at an affordable price.
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I misplaced my wallet, and I didn’t find it until a week later.
znacznie, w znacznym stopniu inizia ad imparare
If something changes substantially, it changes a lot.
niesprzyjający, niekorzystny inizia ad imparare
Something that has an adverse effect can be harmful, dangerous, or unfavorable.
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An alternate option is a different option.
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To discard something is to throw it away. After repairing the window, discard any broken glass.
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Ecologically means that something is done in a way that concerns living organisms and the environment.
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The number of times something happens is the incidence of the event. We need to increase the incidence of success in school.
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Municipal means that something belongs to a city or local government. The municipal parking lot downtown can fit one hundred cars.
Nadmiejne zużycie ma miejsce/występuje gdy inizia ad imparare
Overuse occurs when something is utilized too many times. Rochelle’s overuse of the exercise bike caused the gears to break.
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I learned to swim at the pond behind the recreation center.
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The newspapers were all stuffed into the drawer.
niejasny, niejednoznaczny inizia ad imparare
If something is ambiguous, it is not entirely clear.
odnieść w czymś sukces, cos osiągnąć inizia ad imparare
To attain something is to succeed at something or to get something you want. If you want to attain a healthy body, you must exercise every day.
rozkład, niszczenie budynkow itp inizia ad imparare
The decay in the old building was obvious.
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There was a red apple among the green ones.
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When a thing is appropriate, it is right or normal. It’s appropriate to wear a suit when you go to the office.
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a close, friendly, but not sexual relationship between two men
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He insulted me and my family!
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We worked on this project throughout the day, and most of the night.
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would you like to make a contribution to our building fund?
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The ability to understand completely and be familiar with a situation, He has no comprehension of the size of the problem
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wzmacnia osoby po amputacji inizia ad imparare
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Although I was in pain, I was conscious
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jestem całkiem ciekawą osobą inizia ad imparare
I'm a fairly curious person.
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