fire island

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to reflect a gentle light that seems to shake slightly
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making a loud deep voice (ryczenie)
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a mark made by a human or animal foot, ecspecially in soft surface sucha as snow, sand (odciski stopy)
blackened landscape
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to become black, or make something become black (ściemnić się)
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something that seems to open up and suck you in completly (paszcza)
molten rock
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rock that became liquid because it's very hot (roztopioma skała)
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producing light as a result of being very hot (rozżarzony)
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line or long narrow hole that appered on some surface but didn't broke it into pieces (pęknięcie)
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a small stream of liquid (strumyczek)
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to twist fibres around each other to make a rope or braid (pleść)
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liquid flows quickly and in large quantities (wytryskać)
a cone of ash
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an object with a circular base that rises to a point (stożek popiołu)
a verdant pine forest
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green because of all the plant and trees that grow there (gęsty las sosnowy)
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a tall post at the side of a road with a light on top (latarnia uliczna)
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the long narrow top of a mountain or mountains (grzbiet)
mounds of coarse black sand
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a pine of coarse black sand (górka czarnego piasku)
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relating to the idea that life can be extremely bad (złe życie w przyszłości)
voice muffled
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blocked sound (stłumiony dźwięk)
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you need to deal with something quickly (nagła potrzeba, pilna sprawa)
a gust
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sudden strong wind (nagły, silny wiatr)
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to hit something with a lot of energy or force (walnąć, dmuchnąć)
scorching air
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scorching air in inglese
extremely hot (palące powietrze)

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