final exam lexis 25.01

 0    136 schede    martinezdrojewska
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Domanda Risposta
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boom gospodarczy
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consumer demand
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popyt konsumentów
consumer advice
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doradztwo konsumenckie
consumer boom
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boom konsumpcyjny
consumer choice
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wybór konsumentów
consumer confidence
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zaufanie konsumentów
consumer goods
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towary konsumpcyjne
consumer issues
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kwestie konsumenckie
price index
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indeks cen
consumer products
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Produkty konsumenckie
consumer society
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społeczeństwo konsumpcyjne
consumer spending
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wydatki konsumentów
consumer trends
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trendy konsumenckie
consumer watchdog
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organizacja broniąca praw konsumenta
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wielkie nazwisko, znana osobistośc
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przykuwający uwagę
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zna się na modzie
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ręczna robota
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wysokiej jakości
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inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
światowej sławy
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inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
charge phone
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ładować tel
give sb a call
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zadzwonić do kogoś
make a call
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land-line number
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Numer stacjonarny
home phone
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telefon domowy
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zaangażowany / zajęty
missed calls
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nieodebrane połączenie
leave message after the tone/beep
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zostaw wiadomość po sygnale / dźwięku
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Odbiór / zasięg
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hang up
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odkładać słuchawkę
cut off
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przerwac polaczenie
top up the phone
inizia ad imparare
doładować telefon
run out
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skończyć się
get through
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dodzwonić się
speak up
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mówić głośniej
put sb through
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przekierować kogoś na linii
log in
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zalogować się
free up space
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zwolnić miejsce
scroll down
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przewinąć w dół
get the impression that
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odnieść wrażenie, że
get a shock
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doznać szoku/wstrząsu
get a chance
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dostac szansę
get the chance
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uzyskać szansę
get the joke
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zrozumieć żart
get to know sb
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poznać kogoś
get hold of sb
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być w kontakcie z kimś, skontaktować się z kimś, złapać kogoś
get rid of something
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pozbyć się czegoś
get my own back on someone
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take revange
get into trouble with
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mieć kłopoty z
get out the way
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zejdź z drogi
get real!
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zejdź na ziemię, ogarnij się
get a life!
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litości, zacznij żyć
not to get anywhere
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utkwic w martwym punkcie
get on sb's nerves
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działać komuś na nerwy
get sb act together
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wziąć się do roboty
get on like a house on fire
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bardzo dobrze się dogadywać
get a move on
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pospiesz się
getting on a bit
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starzec się nieco
get the message
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zrozumieć przekaz/komunikat
get my own way
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stawiam na swoim
get together with sb
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spotkać się z kimś, meet socially
get over sth
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przeboleć sth, recover from
get on with your work
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continue doing
get through to sb
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dotrzeć do kogoś, make sb understand
get into(eg politics)
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start a career or profession
get around
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move from place to place
get away with sth
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do sth wrong without getting caught
get by (on very little money)
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manage with what u have
get behind with
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fail to make enough progress
get sb down/ upset someone
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depress sb/ zasmucic kogoś
get out of
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avoid responsibility /obligation
get back to
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respond =speaking /writing
stag party
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a party for men only (before wedding)
go Dutch
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share expenses equally and split the cost of sth
passed away
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die/go out of existence
pain in the ass/neck
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annoying person
behind bars
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in prison
down in the mouth
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unhappy; dejected
birthday suit
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inizia ad imparare
pracujący podczas strajku
golden handshake
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a lucrative severance agreement offered to an employee (as icentive to retire)
crow's feet
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wrinkle at the outer corner of an eye
giving him the cold shoulder
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intentionally igmore
gate - crasher
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a person who attends a social affair without an invitation on attends performance etc
full of beans
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in high spirits
in the land of Nod
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a state of sleep
busman's holiday
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do your work, even during the holiday
name the day
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arrange a date for a specific accasion
early bird
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who gets up early
playing gooseberry
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to be unwanted third person among the lovers
the local rag
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local newspaper
consumer supply
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Podaż (potrzeby konsumentów
consumer groups
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Grup konsumenckich
inizia ad imparare
, wydawanie
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break down (car)
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zepsuł sie(samochód)
bring up
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call away
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come across
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natknąć się
fell through
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plany upadły
get on with
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dogadywać się (+/-)
go off
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psuć się (np. o jedzeniu)
keep on trying
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Próbuj dalej
looking forward too
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oczekiwać, nie móc się doczekać
put off a meeting
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odłożyć spotkanie
take after somebody
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być podobnym do kogoś w rodzinie/gonić kogoś
pick up classes
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brać lekcje
make out
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back sb up
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support sb
turn down a job offer
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odrzucić ofertę pracy
give up smoking
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rzucać palenie
give sb away
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wydać kogoś
take on
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set up a company
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założyć firmę
turn away
inizia ad imparare
odprawić kogoś (nie ma miejsc i w restauracji cię odprawiaja)
run up against
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napotykac cos
make up my mind
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się zdecydować
put by money
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odkładać pieniądze
alarm go off
inizia ad imparare
Alarm włącza się
look down on sb
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patrzeć z góry na kogoś, z wyższościa
get by on very little money
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wyżyć za bardzo małe pieniądze
fall behind
inizia ad imparare
pozostawać w tyle, mieć zaleglosci
show off
inizia ad imparare
popisywać się
split up
inizia ad imparare
zrywać (np. o związku)

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