Films and books

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if a book, record film becomes available for people to buy or see
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come out
Have you seen a new film that has just come out about ...?
write opinions about a new book/film
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write book/film reviews
Derek writes film/theatre/book reviews for the newspapers. The play got excellent reviews when it was first seen.
the person who reviews the book/film
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book/film reviewer
to be about or be on the subject of something
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deal with
She likes novels that deal with serious moral issues
if you use those facts or ideas to develop it
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base something on something
a novel or film is based on a true story
first/last chapter
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opening/closing chapter
In the opening chapters they’re happy and do everything together, but by the closing chapter they have become enemies.
having excellent reviews or when a lot of people have enjoyed it
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highly recommended
The film is highly recommended
main female/male role
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female/male lead
small but special role
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cameo role
be very interested in something and not paying attention to anything else:
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be absorbed in
Claudia was so engrossed/absorbed in her book that she didn’t hear me
if something is good to read in bed at night
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make good bedtime reading
I don’t think a horror story makes good bedtime reading.
a book or piece of writing that is enjoyable to read and easy to understand
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easy read
This book is not an easy read: it demands and deserves your full attention. Detective stories are good for train journeys as they’re an easy read.
to look quickly at the pages of a magazine, book, etc.
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flick through something
I flicked through the book without reading it in detail.
to record sound or images, or to express a feeling
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The film captures an atmosphere. Those songs capture the romantic mood of the movie.
to officially suggest someone for an election, job, position, or honour:
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nominate for
My dream is to make a film that would be nominated for an Oscar.
a film or play that is very popular and financially successful
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box-office hit
to watch a film, television programme, etc
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Did you see that documentary on Channel 4 last night?
a situation in which every seat in a cinema, theatre, concert, etc. is filled
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full house
We're expecting a full house tonight

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