inizia ad imparare
They could not solve the mystery.
opcjonalny, nieobowiązkowy inizia ad imparare
Religious education is an optional subject at my school.
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I sang in the school orchestra.
wybitny, wyróżniający się/ zaległy, nieuregulowany (np. rachunek) inizia ad imparare
Your performance was outstanding. You should pay all outstanding bills.
przeoczyć, przymknąć oko/ mieć widok na inizia ad imparare
He overlooked a mistake. The window in the room overlooks the sea.
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She loves to perform on the stage. He performed the duties.
wyraźny, oczywisty, zwykły inizia ad imparare
The answer is so plain! Do you want your coffee plain or with milk?
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The house will become my property.
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What kind of punishment will you get for being late?
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He decided to remain at home. You have a right to remain a silent.
czuć się urażonym/ nienawidzić inizia ad imparare
He resented and didn't want help.
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Her parents are very strict.
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They decided to turn the house into a hotel.
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Our dining table is unpainted.
chórmistrz, kierownik chóru inizia ad imparare
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This topic caused the controversy among us.
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inizia ad imparare
Vehicles in Stalowa Wola are eco-friendly.