Fausta 21st Feb (30 min)

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Zróbmy to razem, dobrze?
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Let's do it together, shall we?
Zacznijmy, OK?
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Let's start, shall we?
Zjemy razem kolację, dobrze?
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Let's eat dinner together, shall we?
Chodźmy do kina, OK?
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Let's go to the cinema, shall we?
w piątek wieczorem
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on Friday evening
w piątek rano
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on Friday morning
w piątek po południu
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on Friday afternoon
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in the morning
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spotkać się z kimś
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to meet somebody - met - met
Spotkajmy się wieczorem, dobrze?
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Let's meet in the evening, shall we?
Chodźmy na plażę, dobrze?
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Let's go to the beach, shall we?
Zjedzmy sushi, dobrze?
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Let's eat sushi, shall we?
Chodźmy na rower, dobrze?
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Let's go cycling, shall we?
To niesamowity pomysł.
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It's an amazing idea.
To genialny pomysł.
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It's a brilliant idea.
Chodźmy odwiedzić moją babcię, dobrze?
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Let's go and visit my granny, shall we?
Zacznijmy 5 minut później, dobrze?
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Let's start 5 minutes later, shall we?
w tej chwili
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at the moment
On czyta książkę teraz.
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He is reading a book now.
There are ALWAYS TWO elements in the Present Continuous: am/is/are + -ing!!!
Czy on czyta teraz książkę?
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IS he reading a book now?
On nie czyta książki teraz.
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He's not reading a book now. / He isn't reading a book now.
Do NOT use DON'T / DOESN'T in the Present Continuous.
Poczekaj chwilę, proszę.
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Hold on a moment, please.
Ty teraz gotujesz.
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You are cooking now.
Gotujesz teraz?
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Are you cooking now?
Nie gotujesz teraz.
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You aren't cooking now.
Spotkajmy się w sobotę rano.
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Let's meet on Saturday morning.

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