famous person(singer, athlete, actor, character)

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من مدتها طرفدار او هستم
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I am a long time fan of her
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i would probably ask for her autograph
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I would not pry into her life or anything, but I might ask her to share some of her special memories
یک رویا به حقیقت می پیوندد
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a dream come true
if I ever got to meet him, it would be a dream come true
نگه داشتن سوابق
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hold records
he holds records in...
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a renowned singer
رتبه اول و موفق
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hit number one
most of his films hit number one on the record charts
یک نام برای خودش ساخت
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made a name for himself
he made a name for himself and rose to fam
محبوبیت بسیار زیاد
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immense popularity
he has immens popularity in wholeworld
شهرت در سراسر جهان
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worldwide fame
he earned his worldwide fame
شناخت در سراسر جهان
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worldwide recognition
he achieves worldwide recognition
تصميم بسيار محكم
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single minded determination
he inspired me with single minded determination
نسبت داده
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this success is directly attributed to the...
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role model
he has been a role model for people
حك شدن
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his sacrifices have been imprinted my mind
چند زبانه
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سزاوار تحسین، ستایش و افتخار است
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deserving great admiration, praise and honor

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