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bring up
They were brought up to be polite
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grow up
Your children are growing up fast!
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take after
I think he takes after his father
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być podobnym
look after
Who looks after your children in the summer holidays?
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opiekować się
care for
We’re looking for someone to care for my mother
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opiekować się
look up to
Is there anyone you look up to in your family?
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sleep over
Her daughter is having friends sleep over this weekend.
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pass away / pass on
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act up
When my kids are tired, they begin to act up
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sprawiać kłopoty
come down on
They came down on him hard when they found out he’d been missing school.
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karać lub krytykować
tell off
Her parents are always telling her off for watching too much TV.
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run away
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get along
All the brothers and sisters get along.
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dogadywać się
live with
Her grandmother lives with them
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żyć z
run around after
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poświęcać czas na zrobienie czegoś za kogoś
descend on / upon
come to visit in large numbers We all used to descend on our grandparents for Christmas
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duża grupa ludzi w jednym miejscu
stand up for
He’s always stand up for his brother at school
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stanąć w obronie
stick together
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trzymać się razem
turn to sb
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zwróć się do kogoś
settle down
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ustatkować się

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