eyelids, to fuel up, to occupy, nasal, nasal test, harmful, harmless, genuine, validity, truthfulness, angelic, bash (uderzyć), to fit yourself in

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She closed her {powieki} and fell asleep.
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Eyelids {ˈaɪ. lɪdz}
The rebels managed to {zająć} the town within hours.
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To occupy {ˈɒk. jʊ. paɪ}
The doctor recommended a {test nosowy} to confirm the infection.
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Nasal test {ˈneɪ. zəl test}
Smoking is extremely {szkodliwe} for your health.
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Harmful {ˈhɑːm. fʊl}
The insect bite was {nieszkodliwy}, so there’s nothing to worry about.
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Harmless {ˈhɑːm. ləs}
Her concern for the animals is completely {szczere}.
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Genuine {ˈdʒen.ju.ɪn}
The {ważność} of the document has expired.
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Validity {vəˈlɪd.ɪ. ti}
His {prawdomówność} was never questioned.
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Truthfulness {ˈtruːθ. fəl. nəs}
The child had an {anielską} expression on her face.
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Angelic {ænˈdʒel.ɪk}
It might be difficult to {dopasować się} to their busy schedule.
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To fit yourself in {fɪt jɔːˈself ɪn}
They tried to {zatuszować} the evidence of the crime.
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To cover up {ˈkʌv.ər ʌp}
The accident resulted in several {ofiar}.
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Casualties {ˈkæʒ. ju.əl. tiz}
He likes to {chwalić się, przechwalać się} about his achievements.
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To brag {bræɡ}
After a long day at work, I need to {naładować energię} with a good meal.
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To fuel up {to restore your energy} {ˈfjuː.əl ʌp}
Someone (mocno uderzył) him over the head with a chair.
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Bashed {bash} (to hit) {bæʃ}

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