Interrogatives are formed with the particle [ма]. The particle [ма] will typically sit at the end of a sentence. The suffix [ма] has the following forms: • ma/me; • ba/be; • pa/pe.
It is formed using a main verb and one of four auxiliary verbs: отыру (sit), жату (lie down), тұру (stand) and жүру (walk) and the copular personal endings for agreement.
It has the identical surface form as the present simple tense. The simple future tense is generally understood as being a future action based on context or supporting temporal adverbs such as ертең (tomorrow).
Learn by heart the words, useful nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, propositions from the Kazakh in 1 day and Kazakh: day 2 courses. Use them for building well-structured sentences. Don't be afraid, start speaking! Good Luck!
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