expressions 9

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bardzo długo
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for the longest time
For the longest time I didn't really want to talk too much about it.
mówić o dwóch różnych sprawach
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talk past each other
dokładnie na czas
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dead on time
nie chwal dnia przed zachodem słońca
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don't count your chickens before they're hatched
mieć do czegoś rękę
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have a way with something
łysy placek na głowie
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bald spot
kto rano wstaje temu Pan Bóg daje
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the early bird catches the worm
w linii prostej
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as the crow flies
to dowodzi, że
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it goes to show
It just goes to show what you can do when you really try.
rób co chcesz
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suit yourself
słuszna uwaga
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good point
przyłożyć się do czegoś
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put your mind to something
I knew we could figure this thing out if we just put our minds to it.
Dni mi się zlewają
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These days feel like they're running together.
zataczać koło
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circle back
no co ty nie powiesz
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you don't say
w pewnym sensie
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in a manner of speaking
być w kimś zakochanym
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have a crush on someone
biorąc pod uwagę
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Given his age, he's remarkably active.
dziękuj losowi
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thank your lucky stars
z daleka
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from afar
Their fans come from afar to watch them play.

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